Will China Unify With Taiwan by Force?

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The relationship between China and Taiwan is currently in turmoil, and there are ongoing speculations that China is seeking to unify with Taiwan to form one territory. The suppositions of reunion have been trending for some decades, but the pressure has increased late, showing the interest of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Despite the quest of the PRC, Taiwan has been on the resistance side to remain an independent country. Chinas development in the manufacturing sector has increased rapidly, making it play a significant role in international trade. The advancement has improved their power, making them a possible threat to the neighboring state. This study will explore the basis of the relationship between PRC and Taiwan, taking into consideration all the possible aspects that can prompt China to use any force to influence their unification with Taiwan.

The History between Taiwan and China

Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China (ROC), is an island located about 100 miles from southeast Chinas Mainland. The split of ROC from PRC happened immediately after world war two following the emergence of conflict in China land. The fight was between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the government forces. In 1949, the CCP won the war and took control of Beijing forcing the nationalist party (Kuomintang) to seek refuge in the nearby island Taiwan. Chiang Kai-Shek, the government leader, and his remaining Kuomintang personnel established their political system in Taiwan referring to themselves as the Mainland Chinese. They faced resistance from the local people because of the dictatorship rule, which prompted the democracy movement.

PRC has proposed several offers to entice ROC to reunite with china to form one government, but the Taiwanese have rejected the proposals citing only possibility is two have two legitimate governments. ROC is not willing to lose its sovereign recognition and hold to maintain its democratic rights, which is against the will of the PRC. Following the Hong Kong declaration agreement with China, Taiwan feels upon considering and accepting the reunification PRC may deprive them of their degree of autonomy, as in the case of Hong Kong. Furthermore, the ROC is experiencing positive trade ties with the west countries, including the US, which makes it have great development. They believe that forming one government with PRC might hinder them from exercising their international trade relations, which can, in turn, plunge a developed economy.

China considers Taiwan part of its rebel region that should be brought back to its PRC government. China has increased the tension of reunification with Taiwan, which amounts pressure to the ROC sovereignty. PRC is against the recognition of Taiwan as an independent country, and it is not withdrawing from its ambition of unifying ROC with the Mainland. After the election of the Taiwanese president in 2002, Chen Shui-bian openly supported the urge of Taiwan to remain an independent state. In 2004, PRC passed anti-succession law, which granted China the right to use other methods of non-peaceful means if Taiwan separated from PRC. Recently, the Taiwan government reported a Chinese warplane incursion on the island, which raised the tension of Chinas possible invasion of the region.

Reasons for China Reunification with Taiwan

Beijing stresses that Taiwan is part of the one China and acknowledges PRC as the legal government with recognized sovereign powers. It also claims that according to the 1992 consensus, Taiwan is bound by the agreement that was made between the CCP and Kuomintang, which indicates that both sides of the strait belong to China. PRC, therefore, believes Taiwan should work with them together to achieve unification.

Taiwan presents an important geopolitical territory that China deems to be essential to its growth of power. The country gives China an opportunity to expand its dominance on the Pacific Ocean. The advancement and rapid development in China is aiming at increasing its marine area to provide it with enough ability of defense. Uniting with Taiwan would also allow Beijing to have control of all the chains of islands along the Taiwan Strait. The reunification will provide China with authority to exercise its control over the South Pacific area.

Furthermore, another compelling reason for the unification is to advance trade ties with Taiwan. Currently, ROC is performing better in the global trade following their technical knowledge that deals with manufacturing computer chips. Having Taiwan as part of Chinas territory would ensure that Beijing benefits from the resources, advancing its international powers. The reunion will also boost Chinas manufacturing industry to make it better to compete with other developed countries.

The relationship between Taiwan and US is a threat to the development of China. Beijing and Washington have poor trade ties, and China would tolerate the dominance of the US in Taiwans territory. The only way to cut the connection between Taiwan and the US is to have control over ROC government operations. This call for PRC to act and find possibilities of making Taiwan be part of Chinas Mainland.

Policies that China and Taiwan Agreed upon and Their Aftermath

The need to find a final solution to the reunification of PRC and ROC led to the formation of a number of policies to facilitate the process. The two governments set some crucial guidelines that would enable Taiwan to become part of Chinas Mainland. Despite the motives, the policies failed to yield the expected results making the unification narrative persist. Both PRC and ROC formulated and agreed on a nine-point plan that would pave the way to the reintegration by effectively echoing the one China, two governments system.

The policies included talk between Kuomintang and PRC concerning recombination, allowing shipping, air, and trade services. Furthermore, Taiwan was guaranteed the authority to retain its armies after unification, its social and economic ties with other countries will not be changed. People in power in ROC would participate in national leadership, the central government will bail Taiwan in case of a financial crisis, no discrimination against Taiwanese who intend to settle on Chinas Mainland. Moreover, ROC investors will be allowed to invest in PRC without profit interference.

The plans gave Taiwan the ability to participate in international matters similar to PRC, which would make it receive recognition from other nations as a legitimate administration of China. This made PRC reject the plans because sovereignty should be in one government. To counter the PRC stand, Taiwan issued its positions in relation to the Mainland comprised of limited contacts, security, and no direct engagement.

Recent News about the Tension between China and Taiwan

Recently there has been an extreme escalation of the tension between Taiwan and China. Taipei reported that China sent over 30 fighter jets into Taiwans air defense area. According to the Taiwanese government, the incursion imposed a significant threat and signified a possibility of Chinas invasion. The incidents continued as China intruded further by sending more than 50 warplanes to the country. The defense ministry stated that Taiwan had to deploy an air defense missile system to help identify the planes that trespassed into the region.

The US has issued a warning to Beijing concerning the growing tension of possible attack on Taiwan, saying in case China invades the country, America will provide support during the wartime. The US and Taiwan are close allies and trade partners with several treaties binding their relationship. America has been providing upgraded fighter jets to Taiwan as a measure of upgrading its defense capability in the event of China intrusion. The defense tie between US and ROC that involved selling military weapons prompted China to urge Washington to cease the contract and issue the equipment.

The Chinese president Xi Jinping issued a robust warning concerning the Taiwan reunification. He directed the caution to US president Joe Biden to stop encouraging Taiwanese independence. He argued that Washingtons position is dangerous and could lead to negative outcomes and deterioration of the connection between the US and China. Xi suggested that America is trying to use ROC in order to have control over China.

Reasons Why China Will Use Force to Reunite with Taiwan

Over the decades, Taiwan has declined the offers to join China and form one government. During these past trials, Beijing relied on peaceful agreement by proposing relevant terms that would guide the reunification. The attempts have bored no positive outcome making Taiwans resistance continue. This implies peaceful negotiation has failed, and China would sort for a different technique which might be the use of force.

Similarly, in 2004, China passed an anti-succession law that allows them to use other means other than peaceful agreement. This regulation will give PRC the constitutional right to use military power to force Taiwan into the Mainland. In addition, speculation of possible resistance from the Taiwanese government through its armed forces would make China use its advanced defense system to conquer and reunite the island with PRC.

Americas commitment to support Taiwan in the event of war will also prompt Beijing to use force to reunite the two territories. Washingtons position of providing defense assistance is a threat to China, and in order to meet their demands, PRC will opt to encounter the fierce of US by military invasion. Another possible scenario that could influence the use of force is how the world will react to the current Ukraine war with Russia that has a similar reason for intrusion. If Russia succeeds with little consequence, there is a high likelihood of China applying the same technique to bring Taiwan to its territory.


The study has provided adequate reasons that will prompt China to use for to reunite with Taiwan. The tension between the two countries has been building over the past years where china claims ROC is part of its territory that it must bring back to its government. On the other hand, the Taiwanese have resisted the call for reunification, which made them form close ties with the US. The involvement of Washington in Taipei through the provision of defense equipment is a threat to Beijing, citing an attempt by the US to use the platform to control China. Recent news provides insight that China is watching closely the Russia-Ukraine event, which will determine the approach it will use during the Taiwan invasion.


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