Social Responsibility: Term Definition

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Social responsibility is about how business aligns their values and behavior with the expectations and needs of stakeholders and not just customers and investors but also employees, suppliers and communities and other special groups and society as a whole. CSR describes a companys commitment to be accountable to its stakeholders. This will have demand that businesses manage the economic, social, and environmental impacts of their operations to maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides. For a manager to work well and show that an organization has got CSR then there are issues that are supposed to be followed which include governance, environmental management, labor standards, employee and community relations, social equity and have a responsibility to sourcing and human rights.

The CSR should be able to bring about competitive advantage so that an organization can be able to succeed in whatever work it has to undergo. An effective CSR programmer will lead a company to have improved access to capital, there is the sharpening of decision making and reduce risks that are likely to affect the proper functioning of an organization. The organization will be able to enhance its brand image and uncover hidden opportunities which include new markets. This is a clear indication that a proper CSR will lead a company to have access to new markets that are been opened in the world around them. This will mean that a manager should be already to make changes that take place in the world in terms of technology so that they can come up with new changes that will lead to further increase in production. (David, 2000)

Main body

There is a reduction of costs in that a manager in an organization will know the best methods that are to be followed so that they can come up with clear information that will lead to reduced costs. The costs that are encountered in an organization include transport costs, wages, and other related costs that an organization has to encounter so that it can operate well. The organization with CSR will be able to attract, retain and motivate employees in that in any organization there will be benefits that are given to employees so that they can be motivated to work. Most organizations provide their employees with frequent training, promotions, and other benefits that will lead to further production in that particular organization.

For managers to fully understand what CSR is and how it is important for an organization there is a need to know that there are economic responsibilities that refer to social expectations that organization will be able to produce goods and services that are needed and desired by customers and sell these products at reasonable prices. This will mean that organizations must ensure that they know the needs of people where they have to sell their products and be able to convince them of the importance to have these products so that they can feel the products for the company are important and satisfy their needs. This means that organizations should be efficient, profitable, and keep shareholder interest in mind. (David, 2000)

There are legal responsibilities that relate to the expectations that organizations will have to comply with set laws that are set so that they can be able to compete effectively in the world market. This will mean that all the organizations that are willing to enter the world market and other markets should be ready to follow the set laws that are with the inclusion of product laws, environmental laws, and employment laws these laws will be a cover the organization so that it can b operate with fear. There are ethical responsibilities that have their concern to societal expectations that go beyond the laws such as the expectations that organization will conduct their efforts in a fair and just way. This will mean that it will be important to just comply with a law so that they can be able to apply their efforts and meet the norms of society even if the norms are not enacted in law. Many managers encounter difficulties in developing CSR programs these difficulties come up due to the fact that they have conflicting interests and priorities meaning that these interests and priorities will hinder the organization in knowing how to go about the changes that take place so that it can lead to high production with more profits been gained. The pressures that may be internal and external can be combined with proactive and reactive policies which will mean that what the organization is expected to do is to come up with changes that will lead to high production.

The first experience of an organization is to be reactive in that they are supposed to respond to requests that are made in terms of equipment so that they can be able to work effectively. This will lead to a state where the workers will be required to produce effective and this will only be possible if they have the required equipment that will boost production. In planning then there is an invitation that objectives, performance criteria, and evaluation has to be followed so that they can come up with the right performance that is expected by an organization. This will mean that it is the work of a manager to ensure that they provide a plan that will show clearly the set objectives so that at the end of operations it can be possible to work out and get what the society requires for high use of the produced product. The managers are supposed to develop a framework so that they can analyze, identify and clarify the CSR. This will mean that all that a manager should know and do will be to ensure that they follow what is required in an organization through carrying out research and offer training to people so that they can boost their operations. (David, 2000)

The managers should be involved in social projects so that they can know what is likely expected in terms of employment such as education, technical training, and health to people in society. This is important so that an organization can be able to operate and work well bearing in mind that they are in a competitive world so they should have products that are attractive to people of all races. The managers should be able to know that the organization will be able to meet the demands that are expected in society so that they can have a high income. This will be through am manager been in close conduct with society so that they can know what the society expects and how to make products effective to be highly sold in the market. It is the work of managers to ensure that what society requires is provided within those times to avoid delays. To raise productivity then managers are supposed to motivate workers with the provision of benefits like high payments so that they can see the need of working for the betterment of the organization. Managers are supposed to communicate freely to people in that if they have to meet with people who are not able to communicate freely then they can be forced to use symbols so that they ensure what is to be communicated is passed on well. This will be important if a manager has got communication skills that will lead to free communication and be clear in passing certain information to other workers in an organization. (David, 2000)

Managers are required to play all the roles so that they know what workers expect and society. This is important because there are workers who need special attention so that they can be able to work perfectly. This will mean that equipment that is important for an organization to have high production should be provided even if it means that a high income will be invested. This will lead to high production as all workers will have a favorable working environment leading to high production. The set goals that are set by managers should be followed so that organization can lead to high sales. This is because these set goals are important and act as a compass to the direction that will be taken by an organization. In organizations like hospitality, organizations managers are supposed to ensure that they provide the best services to people this will be in form of accommodation, well-set services for leisure, and good products. This will only work if the managers are ready to make changes that take place in the world in form of technology changes. (Alex, 1990)

The organization should be able to install new technology like TVS and the internet so that people can be attracted to use the services that are provided in this organization. Cleanliness should be followed so that they can ensure that what is expected by people in society is followed. It should not go against the norms of society meaning that they should be well equipped with people from different races with different cultures so that they can know exactly what an organization requires in exchange for high sales. This is important for a hospitality organization to come up with the best services meaning that the attraction of people to use the provided services will be possible. Technology changes should be provided so that a hospitality organization can be able to operate with problems. This means that managers are supposed to carry out researches and training to workers on how to make use of technology that is new so that they can offer the best services to these people.

It is important to ensure that frequent training is offered so that workers can be well equipped with changes that take place in the organization. This will mean that it is not possible for a hospitality organization to work without having in place new changes that take place. This will indicate that it is important as it will lead to high sales if they bring in changes that take place in the world so that they can fit in the world market. The managers are supposed to monitor the behaviors of their workers so that they ensure the best behaviors are been carried out to attract more sales. This will be to have workers who are well welcoming and ready to bring changes in the organization in terms of high sales. The ethical attitudes and ethical behavior ion hospitality organization is very important if it has to function well and lead to high sales. This will mean that what they are supposed to do is to ensure that the employees have these ethical attitudes that will lead to high production in this organization. This will mean that all workers are supposed to show desirable behavior that is important to attract customers. (Alex, 1990)

Workers who are honest and trustworthy and hard working are required in the organization so that they can lead to high production. This will mean that it is important for a manager to be the role model in an organization so that he can convince the other workers what they are supposed to do so as to get high production. a manager in a hospitality organization is supposed to come up with the right directions that are required for all workers so that high production can be achieved this is important because it will lead to high sales and at the same time society will be convinced that the products are well and good for human consumption. It is a clear indication that all managers should have the right skills so that they can run the organization well without problems and be ready to face challenges that come their way. This is important and essential so that all in an organization can feel that what the organization provides is desirable to all in that particular organization. Among the best industries that people are supposed to practice ethical behaviors is the hospitality organization where they should be sure that what they provide for the organization is right and will lead to satisfaction of consumers. It is therefore an important factor that should be considered in an organization so as to have many workers who are ready to work for the better, members of the organization. (Alex, 1990)


CSR is very important in an organization this is because it leads to the follow-up of necessities that are required so that they can come up with high sales. This means that all organizations are supposed to ensure that they follow the responsibilities that are set so that they can come up with high sales together with the satisfaction of human basic needs.


Alex, T. (1990): CSR in an organization. Business ethics quarterly, 16, pp, 1-30.

David, Y. (2000): the importance of CSR in an organization. Ethics and stakeholders management 5th edition.

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