Recruitment and Training in the Criminal Justice Field

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Ethical Rules Governing Recruitment and Training

Historically, American employers in private or public sectors have felt free to hire or promote workers according to the criteria established and similarly exclude from employments those deemed unfit. The US constitution prohibits the deprivation of employment rights. Thus, the Equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC) established ethical standards of fairness to ensure equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination of people from features such as age, gender, disability or religion. The American with Disabilities Act governs the criminal justice hiring process to ensure that people with disabilities are not omitted in the selection process based on their appearances or deformities. Age Discrimination in Employment Acts protect applicants in law enforcement from biases based on age in promotion or hiring. During the selection process, ethical rules of privacy apply to ensure recruiters observe people privacy during activities such as background check (Belur et al., 2020). For example, information obtained should not be exposed to an unintended audience. On the other hand, the selection process must tailor to meet community interest, which involves hiring to determine what an agency desires.

Supporting Ethical Reasoning in Recruitment and Training

Ethical rules that guide the criminal justice field in the hiring or training process are grounded on moral reasoning stances such as value, justice or fairness, inclusivity, utility, efficiency and rights. During the hiring process, it is ethical to consider equality, while ensuring the workforce fit in the available positions skillfully. By adhering to ethical principles in the recruitment process departments portrays efficiency in getting the right team for the job. Ethics ensure particular needs are met and support procedures in workforce building from the start. The moral perspective of observing peoples rights make recruiters consider people exceptionalities as equally relevant in the selection process (Belur et al., 2020). Moreover, holding the principle of justice and fairness, every action taken to prepare a team must satisfy both parties. The utility is a standpoint where the benefits of engaging in particular actions are compared against decisions made. Thus, the approach to the hiring process should produce good for the community, which can be achieved by observing the need for diversity and inclusion.

Current Recruitment Strategies in the Criminal Justice Field

In the current hiring approaches by criminal justice sectors, strategies are threatened by factors such as cost, and this concern limits the ability to reach a diversity. As standards, the cost to recruit, equip, and fully-trained officers can impact agencies effort to make crucial considerations of inviting a diverse group of talents. Moreover, the selection process is solely based on skills blend and less focus is placed on key elements such as equality or diversity. Little attention on the current hiring process has made population groups such as women and minorities to be underrepresented. The information shows that female roles are never considered in criminal justice settings, while men make up the largest proportion of the workforce (Bonner & Johnson, 2017). Furthermore, some ethnic groups are dominant over others, creating inequalities. Strategies in the present recruitment process are grounded on the culture of unwillingness to change such that organizations are static and not dynamic. Consequently, agencies do not see the value of a diverse workforce.

Proposed recruitment approaches aim to expand diversity in the criminal justice workforce by embracing practices such as media advertisement to reach out to the diverse population. Current hiring strategies apply informal systems of transmitting information. For instance, people who know someone or have relatives in the departments pass information of available opportunities through referrals. Partnership with community groups or agencies could help target ethnic populations. Moreover, linking with learning institutions such as high schools and colleges could target a diverse pool of candidates. Liaison with minorities is one way to represent them in the society dominated by popular groups. Collaborating with minority persons is central to allow equal opportunities and race relations when hiring potential candidates. According to Bonner and Johnson (2017), a successful service recruitment plan must start with awareness of demographics in the community. In that way, racial compositions are studied, and equality I set to be achieved in the workforce per the data.

To determine how to integrate multiculturalism in the recruitment approach, criminal justice systems must evaluate all possible hiring approaches. The more the methods, the better the chances to adhere to diversity and inclusion. Developing a recruitment plan should be supported by research on what worked in the past and reflect on areas of failures. Department must gather intelligence pertaining traits of potential candidates, and one tool to employ is a written survey with multiple choices to understand multicultural aspects. A wide range of advertisement approaches would enable reach out to a diverse group, and social media is a comprehensive approach besides using radio or television. Prospects capable of qualifying for the selection process need to be identified through a streamline while jobs application is detailed to cover a vast background data (Linos, 2018). Officers within departments need to be involved in providing insights on how to balance candidate selection. Community policing programs could help with a view of ambassadors in the community settings. Moreover, the selection and training process should aim for the long-term impact such as retention as this will enable exploiting how to keep employees engaged and satisfied once hired.

Increasing the Number of Women and Minority Candidates

To successfully raise the number of females in law enforcement agencies, a specific plan of action must be adopted solely targeting women in the hiring process and emphasizing the desire to expand the population A committee has to be convened with an agenda to promote gender balance in recruitment programs. The board must foresee necessary approaches of reaching out to talents such as brochures of postures communicate messages that insights women to join the positions available. The success of hiring campaigns depends on the available team force or personnel selected as recruiters. Most women are apprehensive about seeking jobs in law enforcement as they do not have a better understanding of the positions. In that case, the personnel in the hiring plan must be enthusiastic about increasing women in the agencies; they must respond to questions raised and select solely because of gender (Miles-Johnson & Pickering, 2018). Recruiters need proper training to understand roe of women in the law enforcement departments, issues likely to be faced and policies that must be met. Such approaches are likely to create an unbiased panel of evaluators.

Agencies in the hiring process must utilize the best strategies to locate women while communicating available positions and why they need them. Organizations must undertake activities that aim to maximize attention as well as exposure for legal departments effort to hire. As such, a media platform is a practical approach to inform diversity. Internet options, advertising opportunities, campaigning current employee resources and inking with womens non-profit organizations are a strategic move to invite more females into placement. By motivating the current women in enforcement positions through incentive programs, potential candidates will be more motivated to join. The hiring process has to be ongoing, and strategies such as advertisement should be implemented year-round, targeting students at an early age. Once the recruitment effort program is enacted, it has to be monitored continually and evaluated to know what works in favor of women. Agencies need to review geographic movements as recruiting for states can cut the pool of qualified candidates. Moreover, many sheriff departments must include a large number of female officers.

Women show strength in American counterterrorism and can lead to the benefits of obtaining data and surveillance. Such is achievable through personal skills and personalities to befriend with people, ability to build a relationship with community members easily and obtain crucial information or insights. Women are friendly, concerned and empathetic; hence these traits add advantage to the departments, such as policing process. With greater representation of females in some agencies, there is potential to save money in other sectors. For example, police departments spend much time and resources hiring, but this could be reduced when women are considered in positions (Belur et al., 2020). Females can support community approaches by law enforcement, such as investigations and counseling. A comprehensive acknowledgement of womens benefits in law agencies is lack of brutality as they are likely to use less excessive force than men. Skills of women in addressing violence include peaceful negotiations, compassion and patient, which males might lack in certain crimes situations.

With most agencies looking to fill their positions and some interested candidates approaching, unethical practices such as corruption can hinder diversity and inclusion efforts. Thus, hiring must be ethically right by avoiding taking advantages and exclude persons who cannot afford bribes. Technology-based solutions could help streamline the hiring process by communicating available vacancies to diverse groups and stir interest by explaining the benefits for inclusion (Linos, 2018). With continuous hiring in place, many people will be motivated to apply due to open opportunities and no limitations. Agencies should take time in the screening process, verifying background information to aid in equating candidates. Background data inform where people come from, and this consideration should be a criterion to balance diversities in the agencies. A tight or flexible hiring procedure entails scheduling a recruitment process conveniently for applicants to allow people to complete exercises without feeling intimidated or pressed. Some agencies offer entry-level to many people once, while this should be frequent and regular assessments to cross-check how people fit in the prospect positions.

The color blindness suggests that racial categories should not be considered during organizational decisions such as hiring or training and promotions. The basis is that individuals must be treated and managed solely based on characters. On the other hand, multiculturalism proposes that ethnic groups must be acknowledged, considered and included intentionally in workplace culture. With the right selection steps in place, the law enforcement department can successfully integrate diversity in workplaces. Moreover, agencies should identify needs in a particular community such that rural communities might differ from urban centers in terms of culture (Belur et al., 2020). With that, recruitment approaches must dig deep to know how to represent community members through selection. Leadership in law enforcement play a vital role in planning, training and education. Leaders must be culturally sensitive and adopt follow-up procedures to identify weaknesses in the recruitment approach. Follow-ups help to know which multiculturalism actions are appropriate and periodically measure agencies success in advocating diversity teams.

Complying with ethical standards in the recruitment or training process has significant benefits, while non-compliance result in harm. For instance, lack of women or minority involvement in the law enforcement agencies can impose bias to the public towards the systems. Consequently, promoting community trust becomes difficult, and the rate of offending might increase due to lack of collaboration, violence, deviance and brutality. Communication gaps can be filed in the criminal justice system when representatives in the workforce address specific needs. Women officers promote empathy and reliability with community members, which means there is more disclosure of information supporting effectiveness. Once trust is earned between law enforcers and the public, partnerships promote policy implementations and service delivery per human rights requirements. Diversity in the workplace shows fairness while existing tension between officers and reduces (Miles-Johnson & Pickering, 2018). With the current social demand for inclusion in the workplaces, administrations should review how can impact the law enforcement process for better networking.

Scholarly Sources and Credibility to the Topic

Belur et al. (2020) provide an evidence-based approach to guide changes in the recruitment and training of the police force. According to the authors, some programs implemented in different states such as England and Wales show what works in the hiring process. Examples of such strategies include the police education and qualifications frameworks (PEQF). Adopting such measures in the US criminal justice field can help eliminate discriminative measures and support equality. Bonner and Johnson (2017) inform that the US citizenry demands a change in law enforcement due to unfair practices witnessed. As such, considering a diverse workforce can help restore public trust towards systems and solve violence. The concept of trust is addressed as a key factor in law enforcement by Miles-Johnson and Pickering (2018) and can be instilled through the hiring process. Trust is crucial to ensure cooperation between officers and the public hence building the legitimacy of law enforcers. Lastly, Linos (2018) emphasize jo advertisement approaches, including technology adoption, to reach a diverse population. The idea is relatable with the topic due to the large pool of applicants reached through promotional efforts.


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