Essay on Care for the Environment

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Environmental sustainability refers to the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and well-being, now and in the future. While religion is defined as an organized collection of belief systems and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values. The aim of this report is to discuss the role of religion (Christianity etc.) in environmental sustainability.

Background of religion

The period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5220 years ago. The prehistory of religion involves the study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records. Many religions may have organized behaviors, clergy, a definition of what constitutes adherence, holy places, and scriptures.

Relationship between religion and environmental sustainability

According to Gardner (2006), religion orientates human behavior closer to the environment, particularly in the form of moral teachings. Several scholars portray religion as the social sphere which could offer an ethical framework to deal with the environmental crisis. Religion is anticipated to inspire people to promote environmentally friendly behavior and policies. Religious organizations offer the function, for instance, through transmitting pro-ecological values in church services and Sunday schools (Clugston, 2012). In churches, sustainability competes with other topics for limited financial, time, and personnel resources. Congregation favors projects associated with social justice and sometimes peace over the ones associated with the preservation of the creation. Religion conveys ethical values that encourage eco-friendly attitudes and can not be imparted through different subsystems (Ralston, 2006). It additionally includes non-organizational forms of value transmission. Using current science and technology, grasping human beings take advantage of nature for their economic affluence and military supremacy. It is widely known to all that green trees provide life-supporting oxygen to all living forms on earth. So, saving or planting extra trees implies saving the creatures of God. On the other hand, destroying virgin trees without logical grounds is taken into consideration as an act causing extinction. Without trees no life is possible. Nations whose populations are less religious have a tendency to use extra resources and produce greater emissions, yet they are also better prepared to address resulting environmental challenges because they are wealthier. On the other hand, nations whose populations are more religious generally tend to use fewer resources, but at the same time, they have got much less capability to meet environmental challenges, and are subject to more unfavorable outcomes, in part because of their excessive levels of poverty and continuing population growth.

Role of Christianity in environmental sustainability

Christians believe that God commands the earth, and people are in charge of looking after it. Through spiritual non-governmental organizations, the world’s religions have contributed to environmental conservation and sustainable development. The intrinsic value of natural creatures is preserved through Christianity, which is devoted to an ethic of responsible environmental care. It is critical to make sure sustainable development in developing countries, which often include bio-diversity hotspot areas. Due to the fact that almost all of those countries are mostly Christians, a different way of conversation may help in motivating citizens to take part in efforts. In order for this to work church members must agree that environmental safety is a religion commitment. This commandment is defined in the bibles genesis story of Christians. The religion of Christianity has played a massive role in environmental sustainability the response to environmental challenges and other socio-economic consisting of poverty, crime, and unemployment. Christianity has been involved in lots of projects such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), on the environment due to its deep concern for social development in general. The goal of Christianity to make those projects was to inspire people to cross the world to examine the bible from the perspective of justice on earth. Many Christians, however, are environmental activists and promote awareness and movements at the church, community, and countrywide levels. Green Christianity is a wide field that encompasses Christian theological reflection on nature, Christians’ liturgical and spiritual practices focused on environmental issues, as well as Christians ‘based activism in environmental movements, within the activism area, green Christianity refers to a diverse group of Christians who emphasize biblical or theological basis for shielding and celebrating the environment.

The role of Buddhism in environmental sustainability

Buddhism has had an extended and close relationship with nature and, in particular, forests. The Lord Buddha was born below the Sala tree, enlightened below the Bodhi tree, gave his first sermon in the forest named Isippatanamarukatayawan, and died below the Sala tree (Religious Development Committee, 1992). Human actions are challenged by greed or aversion, which is a consumption of products and services, and reckless exploitation of natural resources which will later have an effective impact on the environment both directly and indirectly. The Dalai Lama said: We are the generation with the awareness of great danger. We are those with the obligation and the ability to take steps of concrete action before it is too late. This means Buddhists ought to make themselves aware of the harm they do to the environment so that they can then act to change it. It is believed that in Buddhism a well-educated mind that is advanced to its maximum ability of intuitive insistence and wisdom can assist resolve its environmental issues through its adherence to the five precepts and pursuance of the eightfold path (procedia-social behavioral sciences 46 (2012)). Buddhists believe that the actions they carry out will be beneficial not just to themselves but to the whole world, including the environment. They believe that our actions have an effect on the planet in a harmful manner because we’re selfish and we crave things. These actions will only bring about greater suffering in the future. The effects of karma will continue to work in a person’s rebirth, so by being compassionate, we will enhance our very own future and that of the environment. According to payutto 1995, Buddhism can remedy the problem of the environment through behaviour where there are both external and internal constraints of human behaviour. External behaviour is regulations and rules that limit harmful actions to the environment while outside behaviour is intentions that arise from religious faith and education in ethical conduct. Buddhists believe that one needs to love and respect nature given the point that one will have a natural desire to shield the environment. Moreover, the teachings of Lord Buddha emphasize that understanding can also assist to resolve environmental troubles whereby one must understand the causes and consequences of environmental troubles. Some types of Chinese and Japanese Buddhists teach the idea of the interrelatedness of everything. This means that human beings depend upon nature and nature relies upon on human beings. Harming one part of this whole is similar to harming all of it. Therefore, if humans learn how to live simply and in harmony with the world, the whole of the environment will benefit. The human attributes which the Lord Buddha advocated, such as loving-kindness, compassion, and altruism, appear to match perfectly with those values needed to overcome environmentally destructive behaviors stated above. In this regard, Buddhist ideals and practices regarding the environment can, and do, play an active role in environmental safety (Kabilsingh, 1987). Buddhists must abstain from taking life, and this includes any form of life. This is connected to the idea of rebirth which can include the possibility of being reborn as an animal. Rather than taking life, Buddhists are inspired to show matter and compassion to all creatures and believe that all life forms are special, not only humans. This first Precept pertains to the idea of ahimsa. This is primarily based totally on the concept of ‘do no harm’.

The role of Judaism in environmental sustainability

Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating back almost 4,000 years ago. Followers of Judaism believe in one God who revealed himself through ancient prophets. The records of Judaism are important to understanding the Jewish religion, which has a wealthy heritage of law, tradition, and culture. Jews believe that God created the world and gave humans a special responsibility within creation to cultivate it, protect it and use it wisely. This is referred to as stewardship. God offers man control of the environment. Some humans interpret this to mean humans have been given overall power over everything on Earth to do as they want, however, most Jews believe that human beings must act responsibly, making sure the environment isn’t treated badly. Man has to work within creation and look after it. The Tenakh makes it clear that, as the whole Earth belongs to God, human beings ought to respect it and hand it back to God unspoiled. Jewish culture teaches us to take care of our planet to be able to preserve that which God has created. Psalm 24 notes also state that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, a dramatic assertion of God’s ownership of the land. It follows, then, that any act that damages our earth is an offense towards the property of God. The Jewish idea of BAL tashchit, do not destroy, forbids unnecessary destruction. Judaism additionally emphasizes our need to maintain our natural resources and generate new ones for future generations.

In Judaism, the natural world plays a crucial role in Jewish law, literature, liturgist, and other practices. Within the diverse arena of Jewish thought, ideals differ extensively about the human Relation to the environment, though the rabbinic tradition has placed Judaism often on an anthropocentric trajectory. However, some contemporary Jewish thinkers and rabbis in the USA And Israel emphasized that a crucial belief in Judaism is that the Man, Adam whose root comes from Haadama, which means in the Hebrew language, should maintain the Earth in the same state as he received it from God, its everlasting and real owner, especially for the land of Israel, thus the People nowadays should keep away from polluting it and keep it clean for the future generations. According to this opinion, Judaism is clearly in line with the principles of environmental safety and Sustainable development. In Jewish law, ecological concerns are contemplated in biblical protection for fruit trees, regulations in the Mishnah against harming the public domain, Talmudic debate over noise and smoke damages, and modern-day response to agricultural pollution. In Conservative Judaism, there has been some attempt to undertake Eco kashrut ideas developed in the 1970s by Rabbi Zalman Schechter Shalom. In addition, Jewish activists have recruited principles of Halakhah for environmental purposes, which includes the injunction against needless destruction.

The role of Hinduism on the environment

Hinduism has been known as the oldest religion in the world, it originated in India. It carries out followers of 2 billion, and 17 percent of people around the world are known as Hindu. The religion of Hinduism is based more on the dharma traditions, dharma guide the followers of Hinduism. Dharma’s in Hinduism also includes the right to living, laws, and conduct. Hinduism is also a religion that believes more in karma the belief that everything you do bad or good has its consequences; the law of karma in Hinduism encourages them to take care of their environment because they believe that if they take care of it will also take care of them. Hinduism religion also based on ahimsa which refers to the law of non-violence. Hindus believe that all things in the world or all living things in the world must be respected including humans, animals, and vegetables.

Hinduism plays an important role in the environment as it believes that the earth is our motherland and beliefs that we must take care of and protect our environment. Hindus adore and honor the rivers as they practice the river traditionally which involves drinking and bathing using the river water, they use this water for cleansing the body of spiritual ills. They also believe that nature gives them the essentials of life and sustained them, they believe that if they destroyed nature will also destroy them. Many Hinduism attempts by all means to their carbon footprints in order to protect the environment, carbon footprints it’s the same as pollution, greenhouse gasses, and waste, the Hindus reduce this by teaching 5 elements which are space, air, water, fire, and earth. Hinduism believes that these 5 elements create the relationship between humans and the natural world for example the elements of air, if we keep polluting the atmosphere will breathe bad oxygen. Many Hinduism volunteers to take care of the god’s creations as part of the dharma law

Hinduism also takes part in protecting the animals, they adore the cows most because they believe that cows are limited. The Hinduism religion even create the organizations of the international society of cow protection, the organization works to educate many people about why we should protect cows and the Hindus view the cow as a mother because it provides milk to them.


Therefore as discussed above the environmental role is part of the environment which Concentrate conserving of resources and maintenance this is done for future generations as they Have been inherited from our ancestors so that knowledge should be passed down from one generation to the next so that they can have an opportunity to whether to destroy or to keep it Safe. It is crucial for us as human beings to take care of the environment, to conserve and sustain it for future generations, and for a healthy living environment, let’s love our environment and stay healthy, protecting the environment begins with you.

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