Employment Relations, Diversity and Inclusion in Australia

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The issue that will be covered in work is the diversity and inclusion issue in employment relations in Australia. Firstly, due to globalization and diversification processes, the diversity among employees is rising. Thus, the employer should consider this factor and implicate the inclusion of different racial groups. Secondly, the diversity and inclusion issue is relevant to the gender question. Historically it is considered that females are less involved in the higher work positions than male workers. Thirdly, the issue refers to equal opportunities for disabled people. Fourth, the inclusion issue concerns diversity among different age group employeesissues mentioned above influence the workplace environment because they affect the relationship between employees and affect the employer.

Over the past few decades, advances in human rights and civil rights have prompted traditionally underrepresented groups to enter the labor market, while the need to manage a workforce with diverse personalities, histories, and experiences has increased (Roberson, 2019). Differences in population growth around the world and an aging workforce exacerbate the difficulties mentioned above and highlight the need for businesses to successfully manage workforce diversity (Roberson, 2019).Diversity in the workplace may increase social identity among the employees and facilitate the categorization process (Roberson, 2019). Social diversity also may induce employees thought diversity, which might cause group task conflicts (Roberson, 2019). That could negatively impact the attraction and understanding between group members and consequently cause a relationship conflict.

In order to solve the problems related to diversity at the workplace, practices that boost the relationship between group members should be implemented. Effective practices will contribute to the creation of a diverse workforce and maintaining a friendly work environment among diverse groups. In addition, the importance of building an inclusive environment is vital for diverse groups. For example, research on approaches to diversity staffing or practices to attract and select applicants from underrepresented groups provides insight into the effects of recruiter characteristics, recruitment source and messaging, and selection procedures on applicant pools. That is because the more employee is involved into various tasks, the higher his feeling of inclusion (Roberson, 2019). Employees can feel his value at the workplace when he is involved in critical work processes. Such an approach would positively affect the maintenance of the inclusive environment.

In fact, different diversity programs could be implemented to support diversity and inclusion of the workforcefor example, the mentorship program, which implies that the more experienced employee will help another employee. According to the study, migrants in Australia are better integrated into the work with the help of mentorship (Rajendran et al., 2017). Formal mentoring programs for women and minority employees have become a standard career development method that promotes integration into corporate networks and equal chances for progress (Creary & Roberts 2017). That will provide a positive effect on another persons professional development and advancement. Moreover, it will contribute to the relationship between different employees. Mentoring for diverse groups and women and ethnic minorities would help them adapt to the workplace and motivate them. Interpersonal learning, which also refers to learning from diverse groups, stands for one of the key factors for the inclusion climate (Roberson, 2019). Mentioned practices and programs would be significant for maintaining productive relationships among diverse workers.

The next workforce diversity and inclusion issue is concerning the age minorities. The figures estimate that Generation Ys interest is rapidly growing compared to the older age groups (Sakdiyakorn, 2017). According to the study conducted by Sakdiyakorn (2017), more titles have been given to the younger generations, such as Generation X, Generation Y, and Baby Boomers. Today, more attention is directed to the younger age groups since they tend to obtain other values than older generations. Various generations possess different attitudes and values toward work. I think that in order to assess the age diversity problem, it is important not to concentrate on the information about particular generations but to focus on the work values of each employee. Because if an employer would follow the bias regarding the generational mindset differences, it may lead to the discrimination of the older groups.

The next issue refers the gender discrimination in the workplace. Women have the right to work in most countries today. However, women are still considered minorities among employees. Japanese policymakers considered this problem and desired to decrease the gap between male and female workers (Kato & Kodama, 2017). The policy is focused on the gender gaps in the workforce and at the same time considers the problem of the aging workforce. The study carried out by Kato and Kodama (2017) indicates that implementing corporate social responsibility helps to boost gender diversity. I think that the gender diversity issue could be solved more effectively if women were promoted to the hither positions more often. That would give female employees motivation for professional growth. Thus, workforce diversity and inclusion would be positively influenced. Strong corporate social responsibility provides female workers a sign that their inclusion is valuable and important for the company and indicates that the company is concerned about fairness at the workplace (Kato & Kodama, 2017). That would mean that women will understand that the company promotes gender equality.

The next minority group is disabled people, and they are experiencing more difficulties than other minority groups. That is because some work requires special physical skills that would be impossible to acquire for the disabled person. However, the type of work that might include only mental activity should provide equal labor opportunities for disabled people according to the constitution and labor code. I think that is important because disabled people might obtain great mental abilities. Thus, disability support services could be implemented. Support services are an important element of strategic resource management.

New policies concerning the workforce diversity and inclusion issue were carried out by Japanese policymakers. As was mentioned before, the policymakers aimed to increase the placement of female employees. Japan policymakers focused on public policy instruments and referred to the Labor Standard Law, public investment, and parental leave legislation (Kato & Kodama, 2017). Recently the policymakers started emphasizing the employment practices at different firms. The practices concern the hiring process, working hours, development, and promotion. Apart from the approaches that involve diversity management, implementing various programs that aim to maintain an inclusive environment at the workplace is a crucial step for the rise of workforce diversity.

From the finding of mentioned researches and my own interpretations and ideas, I have learned that the importance of diversity and inclusion at the workplace is essential. People of diverse groups need more inclusion in the work process and critical work tasks. However, I think that more new policies concerning workforce diversity and inclusion are needed. Focusing on fairness and equal opportunities for diverse groups is vital when managing human resources.


Creary S. J. & Roberts L. M. Murell, A. J & Blake-Beard S. D. (Eds.). (2017). G.I.V.E.-based mentoring in diverse organizations. In Mentoring Diversity Leaders: Creating Change for People, Process, and Paradigms, pp. 324. New York: Routledge.

Kato, T., & Kodama, N. (2017). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Gender Diversity in the Workplace: Econometric Evidence from Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 56(1), 99127. Web.

Rajendran, D., Farquharson, K. & Hewege, K. (2017). Workplace integration: the lived experiences of highly skilled migrants in Australia. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal Vol. 36 No. 5, 2017 pp. 437-456. Web.

Roberson, Q. M. (2018). Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: A Review, Synthesis, and Future Research Agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6(1).Web.

Sakdiyakorn, M., & Wattanacharoensil, W. (2017). Generational Diversity in the Workplace: A Systematic Review in the Hospitality Context. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(2), 135159. Web.

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