Effects of the Internet on Society and Individuals

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Internet is a decisive technology in which information is transferred from one point to another. It is a global network that connects computers and is based on wireless transmission platforms to provide a ubiquitous multimodal capacity and interactive communication within a chosen period. Its official birthday was in January 1983, which is when it was considered a public tool that could be used to communicate. Much growth has been experienced since its establishment, and it continues to grow, thus shaping todays lifestyle around the globe. Its revolution operates at a personal level and in the societal structure. Therefore, it has brought both positive and negative impacts on society and individuals. It should be utilized responsibly to serve its purpose well without hurting the normal running of programs in the community.

Some of the positive impacts of the internet include providing effective communication by the use of instant messaging and emails to different parts of the world. It supplies society with instant access to knowledge and entertainment. Many businesses have adopted technology to improve their transactions which extend to customer services and save vital time (Hussain et al. 208). It makes it possible for people to freely connect easily in an unrestricted way.

There is an endless supply of information and knowledge that can be accessed by anyone in need of it. Many students have been able to learn through the internet. For instance, search engines such as Google allows them to raise topics, ask questions, and receive answers virtually through web pages. Platforms such as YouTube provide videos and sited which explain various subjects that teach different lessons (Feng et al. 40). Different languages and cultures are learned through the internet, hence encouraging growth and development among the people and trade within regions.

Selling and making money have been made easy and possible through the internet. People who can access the website can shop anywhere in the world for anything they want. Potential customers are reached through social media platforms who transact better than the local retail stores. It means that one can sell their goods any day and at all times. The ability to advertise businesses online helps the sellers reach many interested buyers worldwide.

Some services such as banking and bill payments are provided by internet access. One can view balances on their bank accounts, send money, and perform other related transactions electronically. People find the products they need without traveling or visiting the stores (Izogo 200). Internet helps shoppers compare prices and brands and get reviews from the platforms from other product users before they make their purchasing decisions.

People have been able to connect, communicate and share with anyone globally. The internet has allowed them to entertain themselves through music and online games. These forums have become a place where individuals who share common interests meet, talk about ideas and learn from experts. Various companies have adopted the technology of virtual meetings and almost all communications are being done without physical attendance. Internet of Things (IoT) has pushed users to connect devices and work from their homes as it is more efficient and saves on time, money, and energy. For instance, the installation of cameras at workplaces to monitor the operations of the employees helps a lot and prevents wastage of time and resources (Dhanvijay 130). Another example is the use of Nest thermostat when this, which is used to control the cooling and heating in an office or at home since the connection can be remotely

However, the internet has led many of its users into certain addictions, especially those who stay online throughout their entire time. Although technological advancement has come with many advantages in connecting people all day, some drawbacks have accompanied them. Just is the case with alcoholics and users of other substances. The usage of the smartphone has become a real problem since it is mobile and easily portable hence unavoidable.

Constant connection has linked many friends, families, and job-related colleagues. This makes one work throughout and cannot escape their duties easily. Businesses continue to operate throughout since they work online through WhatsApp messages and emails day and night. These people receive work communications away from their offices and have hence experienced stress and anxiety. This affects their reactions badly, thus affecting their relaxation, socializing, and quality time meant for rest.

The internet can lead to a lack of sleep for social media addicts without realizing it. It is a common problem for teenagers and young adults since they often check their accounts before bed, and before they know it, much time will have passed (Paulus et al. 650). The screens that they use for laptops or smartphones prevent them from getting quality time for sleep, leading to bad moods, low energy levels, and low productivity in their workplaces. This may cause severe conditions and problems in the long run.

Some studies have shown that social media can be linked with depression, although it is not confirmed. Internet users who spend much time online have shown symptoms of depression. More research is required in this area to understand how this correlates better. However, it is believed that people who suffer from stress spend more time online to relieve themselves. It can cause the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) to some extent. This feeling of anxiety comes when these individuals would miss out on an occasion or interesting piece of news if they didnt check their phones regularly (Pan et al. 618). It is ironic to believe so because humans who spend more time online are more likely to miss out on real-life events.

The internet can lead to low self-esteem if used too much. For instance, the use of social platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook, among others, can make one feel not fit in society. This makes one start comparing themselves with friends when they upload pictures of amazing holidays and wish to have such kind of life too. When one starts thinking that they have better lives, it affects them makes them feel that they are not good enough since they cannot afford those nice things (Loredo e Silva et al. 6). This can worsen and lead to crimes such as theft to attain what is termed best for living and maintaining their social circles.

The use of the internet is a great resource that is available worldwide. It is through it that people connect with their loved ones, receive information, and reach out to the needy ones. Introverts who get anxious when other humans are present get an opportunity to share their ideas and feel free when communicating. Individuals who like shopping have a chance to buy and transact online without too many involved movements. It is extremely crucial to regulate the time spent online so that the benefits of its use can be positive without destroying the normal operations of society.

Works Cited

Dhanvijay, Mrinai M., and Shailaja C. Patil. Internet of Things: A Survey of Enabling Technologies in Healthcare and Its Applications. Computer Networks 153, 2019, pp. 113-131. Web.

Feng, Shihui, et al. The Internet and Facebook Usage on Academic Distraction of College Students. Computers & Education 134, 2019, pp. 41-49. Web.

Hussain, Dilwar, Penny Ross, and Peter Bednar. The Perception of the Benefits and Drawbacks of Internet Usage by the Elderly People. Digital Technology and Organizational Change. Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 199-212. Web.

Izogo, Ernest Emeka, and Chanaka Jayawardhena. Online Shopping Experience in an Emerging E-Retailing Market. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2018. Web.

Loredo e Silva, Mathias Paulo, et al. The Use of Smartphones in Different Phases of Medical School and Its Relationship to Internet Addiction and Learning Approaches. Journal of medical systems. Vol. 42, no. 6, 2018, pp. 1-8. Web.

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Paulus, Frank W., et al. Internet Gaming Disorder in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. Vol. 60, no. 7, 2018, pp. 645-659. Web.

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