Concept of Human Being in Islam

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Humans are considered the most important beings among all the animals created as they can distinguish between right and wrong. Muslims believe humans are born in a state of purity, and as they grow, they make decisions that are by and against Islam teachings. The creator sent his prophets to humanity to perfect good conduct among humans and bring to fruition the seeds of virtue in human nature. The Quran condemns those who sin and praises those who follow the teachings. Worldly realities make it hard for humans to choose between right and wrong despite possessing the instinct of morality, which is inborn. The Holy Quran contains all teachings related to humanity that all humans need to follow. It offers guidance to all men, emphasizing the adoption of high moral standards. The concept of humanity in Islam is built upon the pillars of peace, tolerance, obligations, good governance, endurance, and tranquillity, which guide how human beings relate with others per the Quran.

The Concept of Humanity and Islam

Human beings are conjoined together due to the state of them being human, thus the concept of humanity. Humanity is a term that refers to all humans, the feeling people have toward each other, and the qualities that make them humans (Nasution, 2021). Naturally, humans interact with others; they are known for their unique differences from other beings and are created by a supernatural being that Christians call God and Muslims Allah (Nasution, 2021). Islam is a religion that is followed and practised by Muslims. It has significantly impacted humanitys evolution through its contributions to philosophy, education, art, medicine, and statecraft. Islam promotes humanity through its teachings in the Holy Quran (Khalid, 2020). In the book, Allah addresses all Muslim Ummah and directs them to enjoy what is right and avoid what is wrong, as they are the best of people grown for humankind. The Islamic culture is based on high moral foundations (Khalid, 2020). The Holy Quran spearheads the Islamic teachings on humanity, directing how people should relate to each other.

Islamic Teachings on Humanity

Islamic teachings on humanity are codified in the Quran, a holy book for Muslims. The instructions have been communicated by the Islamic prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Islam is identified as the teachings instructed in the Quran (Muzykina and Rysbekova, 2017). It also dictates how they have been put into practice by Muhammad (S.A.W). In the Quran, emphasis is placed on the oneness of human beings as they have a common ancestry. Humankind was one nation, and Allah sent messengers with His Holy book of truth to judge a man from his deeds (Khalid, 2020). Unity is highly advocated for as the teachings direct that differences between people be resolved through mutual understanding. Although humans have differences in fingerprints and D.N.A.s, all have a common ancestry, thus the need to accept each other as part of the extended family (Khalid, 2020). All these teachings are found in the Holy Quran, which advocates for peace and love among humanity. With an emphasis on love, the dignity of human beings is attained.

The dignity of Human Beings

The right of every human being to be loved, treated ethically, and respected is highly emphasized by the teachings from the Quran. The Quran places great emphasis on the dignity of men despite their being differences in race, gender, or even status (Khalid, 2020). It results from all humankind being regarded as equal despite some visible differences, such as earthly possessions. Allah created all human beings equally, and no one else is superior to the other. Allah is the only one with the right to judge, not any other person (Khalid, 2020). According to Islamic teachings, everyone has the right to enjoy freedoms and should not be denied because of gender or colour (Khalid, 2020). The Quran does not advocate for only Muslims to enjoy the rights and freedom brought about by dignity. It educates broadly, stating that no man has the power to deny others their liberty or rights.

The Rights of Every Human Being

The Islamic religion teaches that humans are unique beings created by Allah, with particular possessions that are not found in other animals. The unique gifts include knowledge, free will, a soul, and a conscience. Allah created Adam and Hawwa (Eve) first, and the generations of the world have evolved from them. Humans are considered unique creations and have been put on earth by Allah. They act as His Vicegerents and have been honoured by him (Khalid, 2020). They are entitled to equal treatment and have the liberty o enjoy fundamental Islamic rights like the right to life, justice, security, and freedom. In Islam, human rights emerge from two basic principles: equality and dignity (Ahsan Nyazee, 2022). Through the Quran, Allah communicates His final word to humankind through the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Allah commands generosity, doing good and justice towards man, and forbids any deeds that are oppressive and shameful (Khalid 2020). The Quran was meant to address all humanity at all times.

Every man or woman, Muslim or non-Muslim, is entitled to some rights. Islam lays down the rights directed by Allah and must be observed by all humanity. The rights include the right to life, which is considered the most important. The Quran refers that no man should murder as it is the greatest sin; only Allah has the right to take life as He is the one who gives (Ahsan Nyazee, 2022). Other rights man is entitled to include the right to safety of life due to justice, equity, security, ownership of freedom, freedom of expression, and protection against dictatorship (Ahsan Nyazee, 2022). Human life is considered sacred and should be respected at all costs. Allah grants the rights, and no individual or institution has the power to alter them in any form. In the contemporary world, the Sharia laws guide how offenders of these rights are punished according to Islamic law and teachings.

Different Views on Human Nature

The true identity of human beings on earth has been a mystery that many scholars from various fields have tried to solve. Identifying humans true identity, existence, and presence on earth has been challenging. Many individuals with varying religious beliefs accept that humans are the best from art created by supernatural beings, are unique, and possess skills special to them. In the different holy scriptures, the concept of humankind gives a diverse understanding of mans true nature. Humankind is considered one of the most exciting topics of discussion in sociology, philosophy, and anthropology (Muzykina and Rysbekova, 2017). Man dominates life on earth due to his ability to communicate and the intellectual capacity they hold. From all the beings created by Allah, man is the only one gifted with the ability to name and look after the other creations. Religious individuals have engaged in modern approaches aimed at fully understanding the nature of man through areas of biology, psychology, religion, anthropology, humanities, sociology, and history.

The Human Nature in the Quran

Man has been gifted with distinctive and unique qualities among all Allahs creations. The Quran mentions that man is created excellently and beautifully; this indicates superiority to all other innovations like the moon, stars, and sun. Due to this occurrence, man is placed at the top of Allahs creation hierarchy. The Quran indicates that man is created in the best form and provided with creative intelligence and the power to speak and make choices freely (Abdul Razak, 2018). Due to this revelation and the fact that man is given these qualities for only reasons the creator knows, man is chosen as Allahs vicegerent (Khal+fah) on earth (Abdul Razak, 2018). Man is considered unique as he was created on the last day by Allah after all the other creations. The fall of man from the privileged position is guaranteed if they fail to follow the teachings of Allah. The choice is left to man to decide whether to follow or go against the teachings of the Quran.

Aspects of Humanity in Islam

Man is considered the deputy to Allah on earth as he foresees all the other creations. God gave authority to man to fulfil a crucial role on earth, but not to be a rival of God. As Allahs Khal+fah, man is given authority and power to manage, preserve and rule the world on His behalf (Abdul Razak, 2018). It should be noted that this does not signify that Allah makes man the master but only his deputy, who has the privilege to act on His behalf on some issues. From the Quran, Muslims learn that from the office of vicegerency, man can use it in two forms, either for good deeds or to misuse it, impose injustices, and spread evil across humanity. Muslims believe that man has a dual nature, the body and the spirit (rk%) (Abdul Razak, 2018). The body is made of clay and is mortal, while the soul is immortal and leaves the body upon mans death. Human beings need to be valued and respected as they are a unique creation of Allah.

According to Islam, man is brought to earth originally with no single stain of sin. He is pure in his soul and has not committed any deeds against the teachings of Allah. Man is also entrusted with Allahs trust (Amnah) to oversee His creation on earth (Abdul Razak, 2018). He is also tasked with the covenant (m+thq), which signifies that the whole of humanity has accepted to be under Allah as their sole creator and Lord (Abdul Razak, 2018). Through this covenant, Allah has imbedded the knowledge in all humanity that He is the one and only Lord that needs to be worshipped. In the Quran, the man was taught the names of all things. Allahs attributes (al-asm) were introduced by Him, again elevating mans position on earth (Abdul Razak, 2018). Unlike the angels, man has the freedom to choose and make decisions based on their liking, whether bad or good. Man is also forgetful; this is seen from the beginning when Adam eats the forbidden fruit despite being cautioned. The nature of being forgetful is inherited and adopted by all humanity.

Islamic Cultural Tradition on Humanity

In the Islamic tradition, love is considered the most vital factor and plays a huge role in understanding humanity. The moral laws established by the Quran educate against terror or violence and advocate for love, mercy, and peace (Jlsb Journal Library and Imcra Journals Library Imcra 2020). Muslims view Islam as a religion of compassion and love and the Quran as the sole source of messages from Allah, which portrays Him as merciful. The Quran states that Allah loves those who do good and respect His teachings, and He does not like immoral or aggressive people. Islamic practices such as zakat and sadaqah were adopted to enhance the concept of humanity to help society (Jlsb Journal Library and Imcra Journals Library Imcra 2020). From Islamic teachings, the valid owner of all wealth is not man but Allah. He distributes the wealth how He sees fit; therefore, those that He blesses are required to give back to society and share with those in need. Zakat is considered an order from Allah that must be fulfilled accordingly by all the faithful. It is given to those in need in the Muslim community.

The Ultimate Goal for Humans

Muslims believe in peace and love, which is advocated by the teachings found in the Quran. Based on the instructions, the ultimate goal for all human beings is to secure a peaceful society. The path to peace is believed to be paved by humanitys dignity, justice, and unity (Khalid, 2020). Peace liberates humans from bad decision-making and takes them in a sacred direction. It ensures all human beings reconcile between their need and greed. The Quran dictates that human efforts have a purpose: to provide all humanity dwells in peace (Muzykina and Rysbekova, 2017). The messages in the Quran are there to direct humans towards seeking the path to dignity and unity. The information from the Quran dictates a message of hope, peace, and faith, with the main message being that faith in God is an assurance of finding everlasting peace (Khalid, 2020). The Quran emphasizes justice by directing human beings to stand out firmly for justice. The lack of adherence to justice signifies there is no unity or dignity.

Humanity is an essential aspect of the Islamic religion as it justifies the teachings of Allah. Muslims practice the Islamic faith, which signifies Allah as the supreme being and the Quran as the Holy book. All instructions directing humankind on the things to do and those to avoid are stated in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) came to pass Allahs communication to the whole of humanity with emphasis on the attainment of peace and love. All human beings have the right to love, respect, and equal treatment, as stated in the Quran. Among all creatures created by Allah, humans are superior and possess unique features and skills from the rest. Man is considered Allahs deputy on earth and is tasked with protecting the creation. Human beings can choose between doing wrong or right. Their actions have punishable consequences if they are against the teachings of the Quran. All the wealth that man has belongs to Allah and must be shared accordingly with those who do not. Islam is based on the foundation of love, peace, and unity, which are the core teachings of the Quran.

Reference list

Abdul Razak, MA (2018) Human nature: an Islamic perspective, Journal of Islam in Asia, 8(1), pp. 251274.

Ahsan Nyazee, I (2022) Islamic law and human rights, Islamabad Law Review, 1(1). Web.

Jlsb Journal Library and Imcra Journals Library Imcra (2020) The idea of humanity in Islam, S.E.I. Conference Proceedings, 3(2). Web.

Khalid, S (2020) Humanity in Islam, Law Mantra, 5(9). Web.

Muzykina, Y and Rysbekova, S (2017) Islamic perspective on a human being: reviving old beliefs in the modern context, PONTE International Scientific Research Journal, 73(12), pp. 02-12.

Nasution, HA (2021) Islam and trans-border humanity: humanitarian intervention in the perspective of Islam, Himmah: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 643655.

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