Comparative Analysis of the Internet and Print Media in Terms of Accessibility

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Accessibility is the quality of being able to be reached or entered a certain type of something or someone. Internet and Print are two mass medias that have caused accessibility issues, but one is able to conceal the information better. Internet and Print both have their positives and negatives about accessibility when they are being used. The revolution of technology has even had an effect on this where Print media used to run everything and was necessary to have in order to be upto date for example newspapers and informational books, but now internet has taken over and making it both easy access one’s personal information but also hide yourself from everything. Throughout this essay these will be further explained and compared with each other; privacy and personal details, access to updates information and details, and affordability.

Internet and Print media have many issues yet many benefits when compared to each other. Technology throughout the years of media has changed in many ways causing access to privacy and personal details to become a more common motion in play. Internet throughout the years has evolved to the point where everyone can what exactly what youre doing when and where without the correct privacy settings in place. Although it can allow the user or others to block out anything about a person causing them to become anonymous and hidden from the real whole. Examples of this could be when a user is using Facebook to search another user, theyll either find out everything about their daily lives, likes, dislikes, past events, etc. Where as when the correct or overused setting are put in place, the user will become completely anonymous causing them to be unsearchable. Continuing with Facebook as an example, it allows a user to post and share their activities onto the internet, leaving others or rather hackers to get a hold of this and know everything about this user. The Internet has rather no limit when it comes to privacy either causing users to be completely anonymous, hiding their identity and allowing themselves through a fake identity to have access to users information and setting, or widely open to the world without any hidden features and still allowing users to have access to their information without hassle. In comparison to print media, the Internet is rather a place where everyone has access to everyone’s information and details whereas print media is rather hidden and cut off at a certain limit. Print media such as newspapers, books, diaries etc,even have their own limit of privacy as well through how much information they share or print to the world. Historical books about famous people will contant everything this person has done or achieved but compared to the Internet it doesnt explain real time situations on where or when they did some. Diaries also hold issues to privacy issues, if someone gets a hold of the book they will have access to the content with in it. Print media is also not as durable when it comes to damages as their is usual only one original copy and is at risk of fire damage, water damage or environmental damage. Where as internet has backups and can create making copies but still will cause privacy issues if hacked or leaked leaving the user to have all information of this person. Internet and Print media when compared to each other have many different privacy issues when it comes to personal details.

Internet and Print media allow a user to have access to updates information and details. Although technology throughout the years of media have changed, allowing people to have access to all different sources to have access to updates information and details. Information is a large source for information and data but preferable a common source to use for updates rather than print media due to print media having a delay time in processing this information and data on to print which can lead to errors having the print media such as newspapers, to have a setback becoming somewhat an unreliable source. Where as Internet can have real time updates and a larger source of information. The Internet has access to millions of websites some can be unreliable if not used correctly but relatable sources such as digital newspapers like Ninemsn allow the users to view real time updates and details on events, hazards, celebrities, etc leaving print media still in their printing phase while Internet has already released and updated their information. Ninemsn allows users to view a page layouted out like a newspaper, and once clicked a certain article, the users is allowed to interact with it such as liking, sharing, commenting, etc showing real-time updates in information and reactions of the users and people involved. Where as newspaper is limit what can be shown on each page and covers. The online newspaper allows for videos and images, giving the user more information and details about the event where as Newspapers such as the Sydney Morning Herald are limited. Newspapers such as these, have a certain limit and word count to each print page it has on it due to having small writing, fonts and small images, where as Internet users are allowed to read larger fonts and images. Also the duriable of the newspaper doesnt last as long as the Internet, meaning in case of a fire or water damage or even just old age the page will start to disintegrate or fade making it hard to read. Internet and Print media when compared to each other have many different ways in which it allows a user to have access to updates information and details.

Internet and Print media are affordable when it comes to certain audiences when compared to each other. Even though technology throughout the years has evolved into being in our daily lives causes print media to have a fall down in sales, some parts of the world still prefer print media over Internet service when it comes to being affordable prices. Internet affordability throughout the world in at a rate where many parts have less access to it causing it to be more expensive. Internet in comparison to print media is more durable though in the long run through having the cloud, drive, online services to store information with it being damaged, and most of those places are free to use. If fire damage or water damage also occurs having multiple backups for your information and data will be saved and restored easily when in comparison to print media. Internet services are also affordable when it comes to using certain networks such as months payments or weekly payments but in the long run its reliable by lasting longer throughout and transportable when moving from place to place, just use Google Drive for example and youll be able to see your information and data anywhere throughout the internet by login into your account. Continuing with Google Drive, this also allows the Internet to be affordable when it comes to storage space. As such, print media takes a whole lot of space whereas Internet allows you to have storage components such as Google Drive to storage a massive amounts of information and data. Resources in a later date will probably all be on the Internet as there is many print medias such as books, newspaper, dairies, etc where they require a lot of resources such as paper affecting the environment just to be either throw away at a later date or even destroyed or damaged later in time needing there to be more resources just to make others. Where as Internet only requires a small network space that allows the users to view these books, newspapers, dairies, etc online without affecting the environment as much. Internet and Print media are a lot more affordable these days when it comes to certain audiences when compared. Even though technology throughout the years has evolved into being in our daily lives causing print media to become an efficient source for durable information and data over time, internet is more affordable in the long run although print is more suitable for those who are unable to afford internet and wanting something for a small period of time.

Accessibility is the quality of being able to be reached or entered a certain type of something or someone. Internet and Print are two of the seven mass medias that have accessibility issues and conflicts. Internet and Print both have had their positives and negatives but the revolution of technology has had an effect on this where print media used to run everything and slowly became taken over by a more reliable source, the Internet where it was necessary to have in order to be up to date with information and data, making it both easy to access. Privacy and personal details, access to updates information and details, and affordability all have shown different meanings of being able to access Internet and print media but in the end it’s all the small and has evolved with the audiences taste with their evolution with technology based media.

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