Category: Workers

  • The Laws For Sex Workers: Application Of The Nordic Model Of Prostitution In India

    Introduction The regulation of sex markets has long been controversial, and the debate was recently re-ignited in 2015 when Amnesty Internationals took a stand to support worldwide decriminalization of all aspects of sex trade including supplying, demanding, and mediating i.e pimping transactions. On one hand, critics worry that decriminalization facilitates and boosts sex trafficking. On…

  • Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Workers As A Special Employment Group

    Health issues In Western Australia, fly-in fly-out (FIFO) lifestyle, is where people are required to temporarily travel to their jobs and live for a period of time on site. FIFO contracts require employees to live and work-away from their families and friends, and return to a location of their choice when they are rostered off/off…

  • Effects Of Automation On Workers In Construction

    The construction industry is growing rapidly, more advanced methods are required in order to get the job done, and in most instances workers are unable to carry out task that are at hand thus the need for technological advancement, robotic and automation. As we enter the fourth industrial revolution it is almost impossible to ignore…

  • Sociocultural Context Of Cashew Workers

    The Portuguese introduced cashew trees to India in the 16th century in hopes to prevent soil erosion. (Lindberg, 2005). It was only until the 20th century the Indian market discovered its commercial value. Today, India is one of the world’s largest producers and importers of raw cashew nuts. It is also the largest exporter of…

  • Factors Prompting Kenyan Domestic Workers To Seek Employment In Saudi Arabia

    Kenyas economic and employment crisis are driving more people to seek jobs outside the country. Women are the most affected because they are underrepresented in various sectors of the workforce, and therefore risky opportunities in the Middle East often seem like the only option.]About 42 percent of Kenyans live below the poverty line; therefore support…

  • Blue-collar Workers: Definition And Features

    The article ‘Blue-Collar Brilliance.’ published in The American Scholar by Mike Rose is about blue-collar workers. An example of blue-collar workers are people who hold jobs in restaurants or factories. People who work with their hands but still must use problem-solving skills to do their job correctly are blue-collar workers. Mike Rose gives a child’s…

  • Employment Of Foreign Workers In Malaysia

    Malaysia has always been one of the top countries in Asia Pacific that welcomes immigrants to work in the country long since the early 90s. Immigrants are attracted to work in Malaysia because of its low living cost and numbers of job opportunities apart from being one of the most peaceful country in the world.…

  • Critical Evaluation Of Research Study Into Online Sex Workers

    The study that will be analysed is titled On our own terms: the working conditions of internet-based sex workers in the UK and looks at researching all the permutations that come with earning your living as an online sex worker. The aim of this essay is to critically analyse the methodological approach taken to acquire…

  • Assembly Line Workers: Peculiarities Of Job

    Many high schools students are unsure of what careers they want to do after high school. Many jobs today require a degree however there are plenty of jobs for those do not want to go to college, the assembly line worker being one of them. Beginning in 1913, the assembly line worker has been one…

  • Employing Older Workers In Contemporary Organisations

    INTRODUCTION The Western world is undergoing a demographic decline. The western term means not only the United States, Western Europe or Japan but also China and Eastern Europe. There is a growing average age in the population, and this is having a substantial impact on communities, social systems, countries and the world of work. Over…