Category: Voting

  • Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16 Essay

    Lowering the Legal Age to Vote Over the course of American history, the right to vote has seen substantial changes in who can or cannot act on the privilege. For example, in the earliest days of American history, only those who were white, male, property owners had the right to vote. In the many following…

  • Reflections on Whether Uneducated People Should Participate in the Electoral Process

    One of our most influential powers as citizens is exercising our right to vote. However, with this power comes certain responsibilities such as considering the options  people who are running – and make proper decisions when electing a campaign. Changing the election process would involve a lot of procedures, which could create complications for…

  • Does Voting Matter: Essay

    Freedom to vote is one of the most important and most hard-earned political rights outside the bill of rights. We began as a nation where rights were restricted to only white men. Its only because of perpetual hard work and the firm beliefs of people like Sojourner Truth, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King Jr, and…

  • Essay on Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The Roots of Modern American Divide & Polarization Rights are a fundamental part of the United States of America. The creation of these rights and their protection date back to 1789. Politics and rights movements seem much more intense now in the twenty-first century however, the divide in the debate about rights has been around…

  • Pros and Cons of Voting Rights Act

    To ignore the effects that voting laws have on different racial groups would be, at best, irresponsible and, at worst, dangerous (Quillin 23). Voter ID laws, better described as voter impersonation laws, are laws that are put in place to deter citizens from fraudulently voting. These types of laws are made to police in-person voting…

  • Should Americans Be Required to Vote: Persuasive Essay

    I believe that all American citizens should be required to vote. Although I am not 18 years old yet, as soon as my birthday rolls around, I will have my voice heard and my vote counted in every election that is held in my city, state, and country. It saddens me that many people do…

  • Why Is Youth Voting Important: Persuasive Essay

    People hope that each round of national elections will result in a positive change in our country’s prosperity and development. Having an efficient election process is to have a smooth flow and to be fair in choosing or electing leaders who run for the said positions. Voting is our civic duty, so we, the youth,…