Category: Utilitarianism

  • Utilitarianism Advantages and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism is a branch of moral philosophy that promotes the idea that the means applied can be justified by the results obtained. The proponents of this theory believe that traditional moral values and codes are futile as they do not contribute to the improvement of human existence. Thus, they claim that moral actions make sense…

  • The Utilitarianism Argument for Public Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction Jeremy Bentham and Happiness John Stuart Mill and Happiness Utilitarianism and Equality Contributions to Public Policy Conclusion References Introduction Utilitarianism holds that an action that is morally right should result in the most good. The theory of Utilitarianism refers to a type of consequentialism, which indicates that actions are understood based…

  • Utilitarianism Theory: Applications and Issues

    Table of Contents What you have learned concerning the theory Your personal position concerning the theory Why you chose that particular theory References What you have learned concerning the theory A welfarist philosophy is largely presumed or applied in utilitarianism theory. In other words, it is necessary to have a thorough grasp of the welfarist…

  • Utilitarianism Theory: Value and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism theory states that the moral value of an individuals deed can be determined by the way it is effective in the long run. This means how an action is able to make an individual happy thus leading to the conclusion that the moral value of this action is determined by its end result. Scholars…

  • Utilitarianism Advantages and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism is a branch of moral philosophy that promotes the idea that the means applied can be justified by the results obtained. The proponents of this theory believe that traditional moral values and codes are futile as they do not contribute to the improvement of human existence. Thus, they claim that moral actions make sense…

  • Different Aspects of Utilitarianism

    Table of Contents Introduction Case analysis using the rule utilitarianism Case analysis using the act utilitarianism References Introduction Utilitarianism refers to a theory, which teaches that the course of any action should be that which ensures pleasure, minimizes pain and maximizes the attainment of happiness (Bentham, 2009, p.54). It is a way of finding solutions…

  • Utilitarianism in Asian Business

    Table of Contents Introduction Utilitarianism in Capitalistic System Examples of Indian and Chinese Corporations Conclusion References Introduction Being the largest and most diverse region of the world, Asia varies in the forms of business ethics practices by the corporations. Some countries in the region are highly influenced by the colonization and spread of Western principles,…