Category: Utilitarianism

  • Utilitarianism Contradiction On The Single Use Of Plastic

    About 13 million metrics of tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every year, causing sea animals to suffocate, starve, and drown. Plastic not only affect animals, it also has a negative effect on humans because it contaminates the sea food humans eat. (PEW) As a result, humans are being stressed everyday about the…

  • Essay on Utilitarianism Examples in the Workplace

    Utilitarian reasoning is applied in various aspects of human life. A typical human life consists of 5 aspects: the work, health, learning, social, and spiritual levels of existence. It is often used both for moral reasoning and for any kind of rational decision-making. Additionally applied in several contexts, it can even be used for deliberations…

  • Utilitarianism as a Science of Society

    Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based on the idea that human actions should bring the best possible consequences. This theory is referred to by some as the consequentialist ethical theory. It is expressed in the form that asserts that people should always act so as to produce the greatest ratio of good to evil for…

  • Why Utilitarianism Is the Best Moral System

    Table of Contents Idea and Principles of Utilitarianism Advantages of the Theory Critique of Utilitarianism Why Utilitarianism Is Still the Best Moral System Works Cited Idea and Principles of Utilitarianism As a moral theory, utilitarianism has had a long and prosperous history of discussion, application, and neglection. It is still positively assessed by many American…

  • Does Utilitarianism Pose a Threat to Rights?

    Utilitarianism is a theory focused on the consequences of the actions, while rights are claims justified by ethical principles. These two concepts can be juxtaposed, as utilitarianism denies the absolute nature of ethical rights and proclaims universal happiness as the only worthwhile goal. The idea of universal human rights is essential to modern democratic societies,…

  • Utilitarianism as It Relates to Welfare

    Utilitarianism is an ethical approach that requires human beings to engage in actions that promote happiness for a greater number of people. The approach requires human beings to avoid actions that are likely to cause harm to other people in their environment. An advantage that is linked to the ethical approach is that it seeks…

  • Animal Exploitation and Utilitarianism

    Unlike the non-human animals, we live in a society that does not believe the laws of nature to be the sole possessor of ultimate truth. Long years of human development have shaped another law that may be violated by some individuals but has a significant influence on our decision-making process. What is more, it handles…

  • The Utilitarianism Argument for Public Policy

    Table of Contents Introduction Jeremy Bentham and Happiness John Stuart Mill and Happiness Utilitarianism and Equality Contributions to Public Policy Conclusion References Introduction Utilitarianism holds that an action that is morally right should result in the most good. The theory of Utilitarianism refers to a type of consequentialism, which indicates that actions are understood based…

  • Utilitarianism Theory: Applications and Issues

    Table of Contents What you have learned concerning the theory Your personal position concerning the theory Why you chose that particular theory References What you have learned concerning the theory A welfarist philosophy is largely presumed or applied in utilitarianism theory. In other words, it is necessary to have a thorough grasp of the welfarist…

  • Utilitarianism Theory: Value and Disadvantages

    Utilitarianism theory states that the moral value of an individuals deed can be determined by the way it is effective in the long run. This means how an action is able to make an individual happy thus leading to the conclusion that the moral value of this action is determined by its end result. Scholars…