Category: Unemployment

  • Unemployment Checks: Keep Em Coming by Owens and Stettner: Article Review

    High unemployment rates have a great impact on the economy and purchasing power of consumers. In the article, Unemployment Checks Owens and Stettner underline that current unemployment affects both the economy and employers, the government financial resources, and the jobless population. The researchers found that new jobless benefits claims have reached levels that surpass the…

  • Unemployment, Its Types and Government Intervention

    Introduction Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem. For example, the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis in the US left the nation suffering from the problem of unemployment. After the recession, Rothstein and Valletta (2014) assert that unemployment was one of the…

  • Unemployment: Types And Factors

    Unemployment is one of the greatest social evils in our society today. This is because of the unfriendly impacts it has on the economy. Unemployment brings about poverty and hopelessness among individuals in society. In addition, weird behavior is also encouraged by this phenomenon. For instance, stealing and robbery cases thrive as a result of…

  • Unemployment Nature and Possible Causes

    Introduction Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of people within the available labour force who do have jobs and are actively looking for one (Boyes & Melvin, 2005). Unemployment rates cannot be reduced to zero, which means every economy has some level of unemployment. However, these unemployment rates are of different natures and each has…

  • Reduced Unemployment in the UK

    Employment in the UK has shown a positive sign that many believe to be a mark of an economic turnaround. The unemployment rate has fallen considerably, and the rate of employment of women and that of youths has increased (UK unemployment falls by 125,000 to 2.34 million). Analysts believe that the unemployment data presented by…

  • Reduced Unemployment in the UK

    Employment in the UK has shown a positive sign that many believe to be a mark of an economic turnaround. The unemployment rate has fallen considerably, and the rate of employment of women and that of youths has increased (UK unemployment falls by 125,000 to 2.34 million). Analysts believe that the unemployment data presented by…

  • Building a Business to Address Youth Unemployment

    Introduction In recent years, the global market has changed due to the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, developing a successful business has become a more significant challenge for many young entrepreneurs. In creating a venture, it is essential to understand the problem and what kind of opportunity this problem presents. Youth unemployment is the…

  • Building a Business to Address Youth Unemployment

    Introduction In recent years, the global market has changed due to the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, developing a successful business has become a more significant challenge for many young entrepreneurs. In creating a venture, it is essential to understand the problem and what kind of opportunity this problem presents. Youth unemployment is the…

  • Unemployment Rate in Leisure and Hospitality Sector

    The leisure and hospitality sector is among the crucial industries for the US economy that consists of arts, entertainment, and recreation industries; food services and drinking places industries; hotels and other accommodations industries. Throughout the beginning of time, humans have engaged in leisure activities. From antiquity, musical ensembles, theatre, and athletics have been a component…

  • Economics: Unemployment, Its Causes and Types

    This essay sample explores solutions, types, and causes of unemployment. Read it to get ideas for your essay about unemployment. Table of Contents Unemployment Essay Introduction Unemployment Types of Unemployment Causes of Unemployment Conclusion for Unemployment Essay References Unemployment Essay Introduction Unemployment has become a major problem in almost every society. The challenges posed by…