Category: Observed N</strong
and mitigation are still the three main areas in the activities of the China Sustainable Cities Program
in -1.0</td, -3.0</td, -4.0</td, .</p, </p, </td, </td, </td, </td, </td, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, </tr, <p, <p, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, <td, 15</td, 18.000<sup, 2</td, 3</td, 30</td, 5</td, 6.0</td, 6.0</td, 6.0</td, 6.0</td, 9.0</td, A:</strong, a</sup, Achievement of objectives</td, and response control is the key accompanying tool for environmental issues.</em, Chi-Square</td, Expected N</strong, Financial impact</td, H3o. Risk quantification technique is not an appropriate mathematical method in dealing with international project uncertainty</em, Impact on the ability to forecast the future</td, Likelihood of occurrence</td, Observed N</strong, Reputation impact</td, Residual</td, Strategy Evaluation</h2, Test Statistics</em, The aspects that the organization measures its project risks through</em, The third hypothesis was developed to ascertain if risk quantification technique can be an appropriate mathematical method in dealing with international project uncertainties.</p, Total</tdquantification