Category: Canada</strong
Canadian Education System and Its History
Whist researching my topic, I wanted some background noise to help me concentrate. So, I turned on my TV and started to play one of my favorite shows, Black Mirror. The episodes are all individually casted and have unique storylines. The topics on the show explore relevant topics, but with exaggerated storyline to create an…
Essay on Canadas Boreal Forest
The boreal zone, situated within the northern regions of the globe, stretches around 5000 kilometers from Labrador and Newfoundland in the east to Yukon in the west, extending south 1000 kilometers from the edge of the arctic tundra. Estimated to be around 270 million hectares, this boreal region covers more than half of Canadas land…
Essay on Forestry Activities in Canada
Canada is the third-largest forested area in the world. The enormous amount of forested land is an obvious explanation as to why large-scale commercial forest harvesting is taking place in Canada and contributes a lot to its economy. However, the deforestation of such a large number of trees has affected the environment in a severe…
What Are the Benefits of Studying in Canada: Essay
Canada has become very popular among international students who are passionate about staying in the country even after completing their program. Canada is no longer a downgraded place when it comes to acquiring foreign education. International students are open to numerous opportunities in this country and they have a better chance of securing a permanent…
Youth Unemployment Essay
1.0 Introduction In this study, youth unemployment in Canada is taken into consideration. Canada is a nation situated in northern North America and the population of Canada is around 37 million people. In this study, the trend of unemployment in the period from 2000 to 2019 will be stated clearly by giving the measurement of…
Essay on Liberal View on Minimum Wage in Canada
The candidate with the most votes wins a riding, and a coalition will be formed by the party to win most ridings. The prime minister is not directly elected; rather, the leader of the winning party will take the top position (Kestler 1). Six rival Parties are all trying to achieve the same common goal,…
Essay on Gun Violence in Canada
The element of globalization, supported by high-level technological growth, has made it possible for different societies or nations to determine and compare various similarities and differences with one another. One of such elements that many societies tend to compare is the crime rate of the respective areas so that the right decision-making process can be…