Honda already in the market. Clearly among Thailand and Poland the later has a stronger fundamental and current trend to support FDI in automobile. This is so because Poland though a lucrative destination earlier
standard deviation and the ranking of the four management styles used in the analysis. Management style Sample size Mean Standard deviation Rank Participatory 200 5.2939 0.9095 1 Democratic 200 4.8559 1.1121 2 Autocratic 200 4.4896 0.8644 3 Laissez faire 200 4.1757 1.1321 4 The table below shows that the participatory management style has the highest…
linear regression analysis has been done. The model summary table shows that the value of R-square is 0.074 or 7.4% which means that the independent variable employee satisfaction causes a 7.4% variation in the dependent variable intention to stay. As a result