Category: Theology

  • Liberation Theology in Mid-20th Century Latin America

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction What is Liberation Theology? Historical Context and Emergence of Liberation Theology Development of Liberation Theology Outcomes of Liberation Theology Discussion Modern Perspective Conclusion References Abstract Liberation theology is a movement in Catholic beliefs and socioeconomic mobility which emerged in mid-20th century Latin America. It combined the values of Christianity and…

  • Religious Studies & Theology: The Davidic Kingdom

    David is one of the most prominent rulers who united many tribes and established a strong monarchy for the people of Judah and Israel. He gained fame and respect of many people at an early age when he defeated Goliath, and he later became one of the closest people to king Saul after he became…

  • Theology Concepts Brief Review

    The events that first marked the difference between Judaism and Christianity immediately after Jesus death in the first century of Christian history first came clearly when the Roman army which was very brutal attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple which was their center of focus. This made them lose hopes and very angered, it also…

  • Biblical Theology and How to Practice It

    Introduction Over the past fifty years, biblical academics have offered a new perspective on biblical theology. Scholars have used different evangelical approaches to accurately articulate the significance of Christ-themed biblical theology and its prospects1. Biblical theology is known as the concept that regulates essential facts, comprehension, Jesus, and Gods likeness. Regarding biblical theology and how…

  • Apologetics as a Theological Discipline

    Introduction Apologetics is a discipline of theology that involves the defense of ones religious position by systematically reasoning out disputed issues. This has been there since the time of early Christian writers such as Paul, the apostle. Apologists try to explain that their preferred religion is rational, and it promotes positive human life than other…

  • Thomas Aquinas: Philosopher and Theologian

    Table of Contents Introduction Biography Notable work Conclusion References Introduction Thomas Aquinas was one of the most influential philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. His most important work, Summa Theologiae, combined the theories of scholasticism and Aristotle to explore the concepts of God, ethics, and Christ (Davies & Stump, 2012, p. 3). To this…

  • Theology History: Forms of Beliefs

    Table of Contents Introduction Confucianism Taoism Wicca Conclusion References Introduction The human race even from prehistoric times has been fascinated by the spiritual and the mysterious factors that exist in their social and physical environment. Humans began to worship physical forms commonly seen around them in the form of oceans, mountains, the sun and the…

  • Religious Study and Theology. I AM statements

    Table of Contents Examples of the I AM statements made by Jesus I AM the Door I AM the Resurrection and Life I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life The Old Testaments Bibliography Footnotes I AM is derived from Greek words. I AM statements are found both in the New and Old…

  • Theology Doctrine Universalism

    Universalism is a doctrine in theology that refers to universal salvation. The notion of universalism is originated from Universalists and Unitarians. These were Christians in America in 1700 who believed in universal salvation. The people behind this movement were Murray John Hosea, Belau, and Rush Benjamin. (Theopedia, 2012) Universalism and Human rights One main reason…

  • Theory and Theology of Helping People

    Table of Contents Introduction How the Church Helps People Conclusion References Introduction The theoretical approach of helping the people is found in biblical, Christian, and Church values different from the psychology of helping people. Helping behavior in social psychology entails assisting others voluntarily without expecting a reward in return. Some psychologists also use the social…