Category: Theology

  • Theology and Contextualization in Latin America

    In the history of Christian theology, there have always been discussions on various issues. Still, they took place within a strictly defined, approved, and regulated dogmatic framework for a long time. The influence of changing socio-cultural circumstances on the formation of theological doctrines remained beyond the limits of research interest. The idea of theology that…

  • The Theology of Christ Through the Ancient Ecumenical Councils

    Table of Contents Introduction The First Ecumenical Council The Second Ecumenical Council The Third Ecumenical Council The Fourth Ecumenical Council The Fifth Ecumenical Council The Sixth Ecumenical Council The Seventh Ecumenical Council Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Savior who entered the world granted humanity many great benefits, one of which is that human beings rediscovered…

  • Calvinism and Arminianism in Historical Theology

    Historical Theology Calvinism and Arminianism are two well-known theological systems that introduce different methods to explain the relations which develop between God and people which are directed to achieve salvation. John Calvin is the founder of Calvinism in the middle of the 1500s, and Jacobus Arminius is the theologian, who offered Arminianism at the end…

  • Global Mission Theology of Samuel Escobar

    Table of Contents Introduction Development of Escobars Thesis To what extent is Christian theology Contextual? Christian Theology from the American Perspective Christian Theology from the Global Perspective Conclusion References Introduction In his thesis on Global Missions, Samuel Escobar, a Latin American theologian, argues that Christian theology is contextual. Escobar sees mission as a legitimate and…

  • The Research of Theological History

    Table of Contents Abstract Overview of the Summary Interpretation of Genesis 1 Response to the Old-Earth View Conclusion References Abstract There is a hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1: other approaches exist apart from a traditional one. According to one of the alternative approaches, Gen 1 summarizes an entire topical sequence of events that occurred after…

  • Predestination: The Theological Concept

    In theology, predestination is the belief that God has predetermined all events, generally concerning the persons ultimate fate. Predestination interpretations frequently attempt to resolve the phenomenon of free will, in which Gods omniscience appears irreconcilable with human free will. Predestination can be seen as a type of religious determinism in this context, especially predeterminism, commonly…

  • Roman Catholic Theology of Rahner and Kung

    Table of Contents Introduction The Theology of Rahner The Theology of Küng Conclusion References Introduction Roman Catholic Theology is comprised of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Decisions on the Scripture and the Sacred Tradition are interpreted by the Magisterium, and these form the basis of the Catholic teachings (McGrat, 2006). This article evaluates…

  • Biblical Theology of Sexuality and Sex

    Abstract The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood that their partnership will develop…

  • Liberation Theology and Its Expressions

    Table of Contents Introduction The Latin Liberation Theology Evaluating Latin Liberation Theology The Black Liberation Theology Evaluating the Black Liberation Theology Feminist Liberation Theology Conclusion Reference Introduction This essay delves into and delineates the uniqueness of three expressions of liberation theology within the context of each other. It further presents a critical view of the…

  • Narrative Theology: Biblical Metanarrative

    Table of Contents Introduction Jesus Christ in Biblical Metanarrative Holy Trinity in Biblical Metanarrative Conclusion References Introduction The essence of narrative theology lies in the idea that the use of the Bible in Christian theology should focus on the narrative presentation of faith. This is an approach that opposes developing a set of teachings derived…