Category: Theology

  • White Theology and Its Core Characteristics

    Table of Contents Introduction Distinct Characteristics of White Theology What Ways White Theology Manifests in Pentecostal Tradition Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The church has been known to have the power to influence various issues in society. For instance, with the support of the church, government agencies are able to implement the law. When the local, state…

  • Paul, the Jewish Theologian by B. H. Young

    Table of Contents Book Information Authors Biographical Sketch Book Summary Comparison with a Similar Work Brief Evaluation and Recommendation Works Cited Book Information The title of the selected book for this review is Paul, the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles. The author of this text, Brad Humes Young, portrays Saul of…

  • The Incarnation of Christ: Theological Survey

    The theory of the Incarnation of Christ is the central teaching of the Christian church. It says that God took a fleshly appearance and a human nature, incarnate in Jesus Christ. Christ personifies the divine nature, merged into one with human nature, and this fusion makes Jesus both a true god and a man. The…

  • Book Review of Paul the Jewish Theologian by Young

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Paul the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles is written by Brad H. Young. The author is an emeritus professor at Oral Roberts University, where he has served as a Tenured Professor of Judaic-Christian Studies for 31 years. Young holds a B.A. from…

  • Augustine and Organization of Latin Theology

    Donatists were exclusively an African schismatic sect who viewed themselves as the true heirs to Christianity and claimed to be the church of martyrs. They argued that the martyred endorsed separation from Catholics and they also provided the necessary link between the present purity and past persecutions (Boer 7). Augustine pursued to link the Donatists…

  • Holistic Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology

    Introduction Bible is the primary book or account through which humanity can understand their makers purpose for them. The book of Genesis provides information about the creation and humans existence but significantly little about why God created humans. According to Genesis, the only clear role for people is that humans should take care of the…

  • Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology

    Table of Contents Purpose of the Book Strong and Weak Points of the Book Major Issues Examined in the Book A Critical Analysis of the Book Targeted Readers Works Cited Purpose of the Book The authors of the book Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology wanted to analyze the significance of…

  • Evangelical Theology of Grenz and Olson

    Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of divine transcendence and divine immanence (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century was the creative tension posed…

  • Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer

    Table of Contents Introduction The Process Theology The Secular Theology Tillichs Theology Bonheoffers Theology Conclusion References Introduction It is not precise when the process of theology began, but it is generally held that it must have started way back in the 500 B.C., the era of Heraclitus, the Philosopher, and the Greeks (John & David,…

  • The Positioning of Systematic Theology

    In a detailed discussion of the differences in existing approaches to the study of the Bible, it is worth emphasizing the nature of the object understudy in the first place. Strictly speaking, theology itself involves studying the nature of God and the religious beliefs that enable followers to believe in Him [6]. On the other…