Category: Texas

  • Workers Injury Compensation in Texas

    Table of Contents The Need for the Dispute Process Common Causes of Disputing the Compensation Workers Rights and Responsibilities During Disputes The Root Cause of Disputes Disputes and Claim Management Processes Conclusion References Workers compensation in the case of injuries and diseases resulting from performing work tasks is the principal challenge of a states policies.…

  • Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction in Texas: Comparison and Evaluation



    The process of Reconstruction that Texas undergone after the Civil War was excruciatingly hard for the state and its citizens, mostly due to the contradictory forces that were pulling the state apart on social, political, and economic levels. The changes in the relationships between African Americans and white Americans, particularly, the focus on the emancipation…

  • Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History



    The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Unions direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas played an important role on…

  • Exploring the History of Texas: From the 1920s to the Bush Administration



    The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Texas during the 1920s Being a notorious blemish in U.S. history, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) emerged as the ultra-right organization that advocated for highly reactionary ideas, promoting racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and a range of other ideas associated with White Nationalism ideology. KKK was particularly…

  • Descibing Texas as a One-Party State



    Texas has been a one-party state for a long period, ruled by the Democrats for decades after Reconstruction until the 1990s when the Republican party took over. Therefore, while Democrats dominated the state for over a hundred years, Republicans had a limited role in the politics of the state. The Republican Party, which was made…

  • The Republic of Texas: Brief Overview and the End of the Republic



    Table of Contents Introduction Establishment of the Republic The transformation to Statehood Works cited Introduction The Republic of Texas was an independent North American state that was located on the border of Mexico and the United States of America. The state existed for a decade then run from 1836 to 1846 (Hämäläinen, 55). The creation…

  • Virtual Road Trip Through Texas



    The Mineral Wells Baker Hotel  an infamous place that has gathered the attention of many paranormal enthusiasts and horror fans around the United States. What decades ago has been a grandiose and luxurious place for relaxation is now only a shadow of its former self, attracting an all-new kind of audience. The now-abandoned hotel…

  • The Key Moments of the Texan History and Their Impact on Todays Texas



    The history of Texas is complex, rife with twists and turns that shaped the states current identity. Similar to several other states, it belonged to Mexico in its various iterations, but, unlike those, Texas had a period of struggles against Mexican rule. Then Texas became a part of the United States, consequently, joined the Confederate…

  • Chapter 14 of Texas: The Lone Star State by Richardson et al.



    The conservative Democratic rule discussed in Chapter 12 of Richardson et al.s Texas: The lone star state was frugal and lacked wide public support. While it may have resolved some of the public debt issues, many Texans felt left behind and demanding socioeconomic reform, particularly the farmers. This led to the rise of the Populist…

  • Texas History from 1870 to 1960



    Modernity in Texas Modernity describes the period between 1870-1960. Any discussion about modernity depends on the context under discussion. It may refer to people in history who are associated with the rise in the nation-state, political difference tolerance, industrialization and urbanization, literacy of masses, mass media proliferation, and the increasing contribution of machinery and science…