Category: Terrorism

  • Terrorist Activity in the United States

    The rights of detainees suspected of terrorist activities are a topic of active debates. Despite significant efforts on a legal level, the humanity of detention practices remains questionable. The following paper covers the legal aspects of terrorism-related practices in the United States. The first status used to justify the detainment of an individual is a…

  • Religion as a Root of Terrorism

    Introduction Research is consistent that many causes of terrorism seem to be reinforced by historical and political phenomena, economic and social grievances, as well as ideological and religious factors (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013; Tan, 2008). The religion factor, in particular, has been cited as a central driving force to recent acts of terrorism targeting the…

  • Terrorisms Serious Problems: Can It Be Justified?

    Table of Contents Introduction Is Terrorism Justified Conclusion References Introduction Terrorism may be defined as an act of instilling fear in innocent people using unlawful threats and violence. By and large, terrorists use cruel strategies to realize political change, create fear, or perpetuate their political ideals. In modern-day society, terrorism is ranked at the top…

  • Problem of Terrorism in Modern World

    Table of Contents The Non-Negotiation Approach The need for Negotiations Conclusion References Terrorism is a global threat that each country has to deal with. Every continent has been affected by terrorists. As a result, many countries have developed terrorism preparedness strategies that assist their countries in detecting, preventing, and counterattacking terrorism. However, terrorists can conduct…

  • Extremist Groups and Domestic Terrorism in the US

    Introduction Law enforcement officers across the world face an increasingly facing complex combination of problems due to the emerging worldwide coordinated criminal networks. The modern day criminals continue to prove their prowess in the ownership of the world most sophisticated weapons and intelligence networks. In order to counteract this, local security agencies must come up…

  • Policy on National Security and Terrorism in the USA

    Table of Contents Background to the Public Administration Issue RAND Corporation Description of Policy Issue Policy Outcomes and Variables Tools of Democracy in Policy Enactment Conclusion Reference List Background to the Public Administration Issue On September 11, 2001, the world woke up to the devastating news of a major terrorist attack on the USA soil…

  • Arab Spring, Terrorism and Libyan Political Changes

    Table of Contents Introduction The Arab Spring in Libya The Political and Social Impact of the Arab Spring Effect on Terrorism Conclusion References Introduction The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries…

  • Terrorism in the USA

    Table of Contents Introduction The Spread of Terrorism Increased Membership Online Radicalization Conclusion Works Cited Introduction After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the United States of America implemented more stringent policies to counter terrorism, especially within its borders. Since the attack, the government has spent billions of dollars in funding programs that aim to…

  • Government Preparedness to Chemical and Bio Terrorism

    Abstract The acts of terrorism can be initiated in one country and take effect in another place. Preparations to counter such attacks require the combined efforts between the private and the public health sector. In order to be fully prepared, different state agencies should work together. A collective approach towards enhancing preparedness is likely to…

  • Homegrown Terrorism in the United States

    Introduction Homegrown terrorism is becoming a major homeland security issue that the government has to deal with in the most appropriate way possible. The United States has been a target of major terror organizations, especially Islamic extremists in the Middle East such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Various security agencies have been coordinating their activities…