Category: Teaching

  • Hybrid Teaching Approach: Research Methodology

    Qualitative Design Research Design and Approach In order to investigate the effectiveness of the hybrid method of teaching vis a vis face-to-face and pure online learning methods, I propose to use a research design that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A combination of these two approaches will enable the gathering of data on key…

  • Teaching Evaluation Using a Mixed-Methods Analysis

    Methodology The authors utilized a multiphase mixed method to examine the context-based legality (i.e. subject legality and sampling legality) and hypothesis-based legality (i.e. substantive legality, natural legality, result legality, and generalizability) of an instruction assessment instrument through evaluating learners views regarding features of successful institution tutors (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2007). Basically, a mixed methodology involves…

  • Efficiency of Online Teaching Strategies

    Table of Contents Introduction Effective Online Teaching Strategies Comparison to Other Strategies Comparison to Face-to-Face Methods Conclusion References Introduction Modern education experiences an influx of innovations in the manner of conveying information. The advancements of technology have allowed using the Internet for distance learning. However, to ensure the adequate efficiency of online learning, appropriate teaching…

  • The Impact of Using Technology in Teaching English as a Second Language

    The publication underscores the impact of educational technology and modern language teaching tools on teaching English as a second language. The paper is based on a qualitative analysis of the impacts and roles played by information technology on English Language Learning (ELL) students. The questionnaire method is used to collect the views of students at…

  • Teaching Children About Work Using Household Chores

    As a result of the study, it was revealed that performing household duties increases the childs ability to follow instructions (Loderup et al., 2021). I can make this result positive by saying that the ability to follow instructions is disciplining and useful in adult life. In this way, the child learns responsibility and can also…

  • The History of Technology in Teaching History

    There is an open discussion on whether the history of technology is addressed appropriately in teaching history nowadays. Technology is a part of the development of human civilization, and it has severely impacted the course of history. Thus, this paper aims to examine the role of technology throughout history to analyze whether the subject is…

  • Doctors and Teachers Comparison

    The role of doctors and teachers is crucial. In the past, these professions were appreciated; nowadays, people take them for granted. Doctors and teachers work with people and have almost the same salaries, but their working conditions and the results of work vary. The essay explains the differences and similarities between doctors and teachers. First,…

  • Teacher Blogs as Tools to Enhance Learning Outcomes

    21st Century technological solutions have made teaching and learning more interactive, effective, and efficient. Unfortunately, the inappropriate adoption of complex online educational solutions has introduced several challenges that diminish teachers and students efforts, thus impeding learning outcomes. However, a blog is a versatile tool that allows teachers to share ideas with their students and authentic…

  • Teaching Strategies Promoting Active Learning

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reference List Introduction The use of technology in education is beneficial for both educational establishments and learners since it provides many opportunities. First of all, online education enables more people to obtain the necessary education. On the other hand, educators can concentrate on individual teaching and assessment strategies.…

  • Teaching Empathy to Pre School Children

    The study of children, though less than 200 years old, has been a fascinating one for developmental psychologists. This is because of the many psychological changes that occur in this stage of life, extending towards the onset of adolescence. Researchers believe that these psychological changes culminate in the optimum psychological and mental functioning of early…