Category: Suicide

  • Medicine: Physician-Assisted Suicide  Expanding the Debate

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Different types of euthanasia The catholic intellectual tradition on physician-assisted suicide Legal and moral contest regarding euthanasia Effects of prejudice and medical ethics in euthanasia Conclusion References Introduction Physician-assisted suicide is one of the issues that characterize provision of health care in the contemporary world. The practice is very common…

  • Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients

    Table of Contents The Practice Issue in Need of Change Description of the Search of the Literature for Evidence Assignment 3 References The Practice Issue in Need of Change Elderly individuals comprise one of the most vulnerable populations due to the frailty resulting from their old age (Chatterji, Byles, Cutler, Seeman, & Verdes, 2015; Clegg,…

  • Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments For and Against

    Euthanasia is an area that has generated a lot of controversy in the world of medicine, with both sides of the divide presenting some very valid points, in the course of the argument. Euthanasia refers to the act of ending the life of an individual in a manner that is painless. It is usually illegal…

  • Joel Morales Suicide Case

    Table of Contents The Dynamic of Suicide Suicide and Moral Dilemma Characteristics of those who Commit Suicide Similarities between Homicide and Suicide Use of Triage Assessment Form in Addressing Lethality Conclusion References Suicide is a fatal incident that is unwarranted in an attempt to solve a problem. Due to the high rate of suicide cases,…

  • The Dynamic of Suicide

    Table of Contents Suicide and Moral Dilemma Characteristics of People who Commit Suicide Similarities between Suicide and Homicide The use of triage assessment form in addressing lethality References The understanding of the dynamics of suicide play a critical role in helping troubled individuals in coping with ideation and behaviors that are likely to cause suicide.…

  • Physician Assisted Suicide

    Physician assisted suicide is a term used to refer to the assistance given to a terminally ill patient by a professional medical practitioner who gives a prescription of a lethal dose that will terminate the life of the patient without suffering, but with request from the patient (Kopelman & De Ville, 2001). This topic has…

  • Teenage Suicide: Approaches for Nurses to Adopt

    Teenage suicide is of great public health concern because it is considered one of the top three causes of death among the adolescents and young adults (Centers for Disease Control cited in Dour, Cha & Nock, 2011). Nordentoft (2011) describes a universal approach that can be used to prevent suicide attempts. In addition, there is…

  • Brittany Maynard Case: The Suicide Dilemma

    Brittany Maynard was a terminally ill patient who decided to end her own life by taking a lethal dose of prescribed medication. On November 1, 2014, Mrs. Maynard dissolved 100 capsules of a sedative in a glass of water and drank it around her friends and relatives (White, 2014). She decided that assisted suicide would…

  • Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients

    The clinical problem that will be considered in the proposed research consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses. In general, suicidal thoughts in older people can be viewed as a significant health concern; for example, in the US, over 6,000 older people commit suicide per year,…

  • Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?

    The practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable suffering as a result of that disease at their request is a subject of public debate and legal proceedings. Though many ethical and moral problems remain acute, euthanasia is now legal in many European countries. In the US,…