Category: Students

  • Time Management for Adult Students

    Table of Contents Introduction First Topic Second Topic Third Topic Fourth topic Conclusion References Introduction The term time management means the effective organization, scheduling, budgeting of a persons time for creating more effective work and output. It is also a unique skill to manage or utilize time. Time management among the adolescents constitutes various layers…

  • The Financial Awareness of Overseas Students

    Abstract The high number of foreign students studying abroad implies that these students are introduced to large sums of money without having any knowledge of personal financial management. This paper investigates the overseas students awareness of money management in Glasgow International College (GIC) or English as a Foreign Language Unit (EFL). The study states that…

  • The Puente Project: A National Model for Student Success

    Puente Project was introduced by Felix Galaviz and Patricia McGrath in 1981 when they found that there were a lot of disadvantaged students in America who did not even attend academic counseling. It was started in Chabot College where Galawiz and McGrath worked as Counselors and English professors. In an effort to understand the possible…

  • Student Survival Guide and Learning Approaches

    Throughout the study period, I intend to initiate methods and ways on fostering reading comprehension and retention of what is taught. In order to foster my comprehension I have to identify the reason for my reading and I have to monitor my comprehension while reading and reflect on the reading process if it is at…

  • Engaging Students in Learning

    Accelerated Reading (AR) Accelerated Reading (AR) as an information system for learning is a reading management software program which aims at facilitating assessment based on the curriculum reading of comprehension books by students, analysis and summarization of the results. It encompasses empowerment of the classroom teacher to engage in the motivation and management of reading…

  • Reading Scores Improving of Academically Gifted Students

    Introduction The reading skills are considered essential for the process of further acquiring knowledge. The process of learning to read through different methods introduced by instructors and scientists should result in good reading skills that are basic for understanding and apprehension of print information. Different students have abilities to acquire reading which vary greatly; some…

  • Common Currency for Teachers and Students

    Teaching children in a way that they would enjoy their studies is always a challenge. Every teacher has certain demand as for his/her class, as well as every student has his/her understanding of the teaching process. Quite often, the needs of the students and the possibilities of a teacher do not coincide and misunderstanding between…

  • How Inclusive Learning Affects Other Students

    Identification of the Research Problem Educational philosophers and researchers have often mentioned that the term inclusion challenges peoples unexamined concepts of what is common and normal. In the field of education, inclusion means that all students with mental, physical and thinking disabilities are placed in the slightest restraining learning environment. Research experts have often reported…

  • How Inclusion Affects General Education Students

    Table of Contents Description of the problem Instructional objectives Instructional settings Instructional techniques and activities Motivation techniques Questions are being asked that relate to the problem Reference Description of the problem Existing teaching strategies and instructional techniques have suggested various teaching methods and instructional settings to overcome learning problem in an inclusionary classroom. In a…

  • Inclusion Effects on General Education Students

    Introduction The literature review is based on the research topic How Inclusion Effects General Education Students and it is a guide for teachers and researchers. Researcher is a master level researcher who studied about the effects of inclusion in general education students. Previous studies and researches have often mentioned that inclusion have both advantages and…