Category: Stroke

  • NIH Stroke Scale: Application and Effectiveness

    NIH Stroke Scale is a tool that is primarily used internationally to assess the cognitive effects of stroke. It can scientifically be described as the quantitative measure of stroke-associated neurologic deficit. Before this scale, other scales were in use, but with the help of videos available on how to efficiently use the scale, it has…

  • Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System

    Stroke is a severe pathology of the brain, which is caused by the violation of the blood supply and is fraught with dangerous implications for both the nervous system and the sensory system. The manifestations of impairments in patients with stroke may vary depending on the severity of the brain damage. At the same time,…

  • Stroke: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

    Stroke Analysis and Best Practices for Improved Health Stroke is a medical emergency disease that happens when part of a brain collapses after losing blood supply. The part of the body controlled by the affected section of the brain also stops functioning (Alqwaifly et al., 2020). Stroke is also known as brain attack or cerebrovascular…

  • Stroke and Rehabilitation Among the Elderly People

    Case Description Presenting Condition History Patient X is a 62-year-old member of the senior citizens working on a Dairy Farm. While eating his supper, he experienced sudden onset speech slurring, developed facial droop on his right hand, which subsequently developed weakness in the left side of the lower and upper body. He and his wife…

  • NIH Stroke Scale: Application and Effectiveness

    NIH Stroke Scale is a tool that is primarily used internationally to assess the cognitive effects of stroke. It can scientifically be described as the quantitative measure of stroke-associated neurologic deficit. Before this scale, other scales were in use, but with the help of videos available on how to efficiently use the scale, it has…

  • The Impact of Stroke on the Sit to Stand Task

    Introduction Sit to Stand (STS) movement is believed to be one of the most demanding activities. The given activity can be described as the process of standing up from a chair or any other object to an upright posture. It is a movement with great clinical interest that helps in defining an individuals motor and…

  • Ischemic Stroke: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

    Table of Contents Overview Organs Involved Morbidity and Mortality Statistics of Ischemic Stroke Clinical Manifestations Diagnostic Measures Curative treatment of Ischemic Stroke Future Research on Ischemic Stroke References Overview A stroke usually occurs due to decreased or interrupted blood supply to the whole or part of the brain, which prevents the brain from getting enough…

  • My Stroke of Insight TED Talk by Taylor

    In the video, Jill gives an informative insight into the intricate workings of the human brain. She is a neuroanatomist who personally experienced the distinct characteristics of the brains two hemispheres after having a stroke. Since her incident occurred in the left cerebral half, Jill could not understand human language and move her right arm.…

  • Transient Ischemic Attack or Mini-Stroke

    A transient ischemic attack (TIA), or so-called mini-stroke, is a short-duration stroke that may last only for several minutes. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, it is traditionally caused by the brief blockage of the blood supply to the brains part (MedlinePlus, n.d.). TIAs symptoms are similar to the symptoms of…