Category: Socrates

  • Socrates Ideas and the Modern Life

    Over the years, various thinkers and philosophers have developed various approaches and concepts that have attempted to explain and understand human nature and life itself. One of the most prominent philosophers of the past years is Socrates. He made a significant contribution to the construction and dissemination of concepts and postulates that can be applied…

  • Inconsistency of Socrates Arguments in Crito and Apology

    It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. The matter is that philosophy as such is a very contradictory science and what at first may seem true, turns out to be absolute lies after thorough consideration. A number of philosophers are blamed for being inconsistent in their arguments because their works often view…

  • Socrates Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul

    Phaedo is a dialogue by Plato, which explores the subject of the immortality of the soul. It contains Socrates reflections on life and death expressed in the conversation with his friends in the last hours before his death. One of the arguments for the immortality of the soul provided by Socrates is based on his…

  • Socrates as an Example of a True Philosopher

    The purpose of a true philosopher is to rise above bodily, simple pleasures because they are empty and insignificant. He is not interested in everyday life, wealth, nobility of origin, and various amusements. Socrates is an example of a true philosopher because he never sought to please other people and did not enjoy his superiority.…

  • Socrates and Augustine on Choice and Virtue

    Philosophers views on such topics as virtue and choice are usually based on their overall attitudes towards ethics and sources of their beliefs: either religious or non-religious. If to provide an example, Augustine and Socrates views on virtue and free will were completely different. In Platos Apology, Socrates argued that there were no connections between…

  • Socrates Apology Analysis: Historical Details

    Apology of Socrates is a work of Plato that contains a version of Socrates speech delivered by him in 399 BC in his defense. This work was one of many apologies written in defense of Socrates against allegations of corruption. This speech is a reliable source of the trial of Socrates, which took place in…