Category: Socrates

  • Socrates Essay

    Introduction Socrates, the enigmatic philosopher of ancient Athens, remains an enduring symbol of wisdom, virtue, and intellectual inquiry. Born in 469 BCE, his profound impact on Western thought and philosophy has left an indelible mark on history. This essay explores the life, ideas, and enduring contributions of Socrates, delving into his philosophical concepts, particularly those…

  • Can Virtue Be Taught: Persuasive Essay

    Throughout the Socratic dialogue Protagoras, the sophist Protagoras argues that being virtuous can be taught. Protagoras argues that excellence can be taught, as it is an example of citizenship. He claims that I am a sophist and I educate people, most particularly how to teach students to be excellent speakers. On the other hand, Protagoras…

  • Socrates’ Position on the Good Life: Essay

    Plato’s ‘The Apology’ is a dialogue that provides Plato’s version of a speech given by Socrates to defend himself against the charges of corrupting the youth and impiety, charges that Socrates ultimately was convicted of and sentenced to death. This dialogue contains one of the most frequently cited lines in the entire history of Western…

  • The Justification Of Socrates Death In The Works Socrates Against Athens And Socrates

    The focus of the investigation presented queries; to what extent was Socratess death justified due to his involvement in the radical democracy of Ancient Greece? Thus, Socrates against Athens, written by Colaiaco and analytically interpreted by Smith and Socrates, written and edited by a series of editors and historians are two precise selects, to benefit…

  • Philosophy of Socrates: Essay Example

    Table of Contents Socrates Essay Introduction Charges made against Socrates Socrates arguments Socrates trial Socrates Essay Conclusion Works Cited Socrates Essay Introduction Socrates was a philosopher from Athens. His moral and intellectual integrity is reflected in all aspects of his life. This is evident even in the face of betrayal and execution by his fellow…

  • Socrates: Social and Moral Censor of Philosopher

    Socrates Life Socrates is an Athenian and one of the founders of western philosophy. He is is mainly known through the works of conventional writers, especially the writings of his students, Plato and Xenophon (Ramose 69). Most of his achievements and thoughts appear in the writings of his students, for example, Aristotle, Xenophon, and Plato,…

  • Civil Disobedience in Socrates and Kings Opinion

    Table of Contents Introduction Historical Background Views on Civil Disobedience Conclusions Works Cited Introduction The history of humankind is filled with numerous examples of civil disobedience and revolts against the existing order of things. In the majority of these cases, these disobediences were fueled by severe disparities and injustices plaguing society. In many scenarios, the…

  • Socrates as the Physician of the Soul

    Socrates was one of the first Western philosophers whose thoughts and ideas were recognized around the globe. He left no definite philosophy, and most of his works were based on his followers retelling, like Plato or Xenophon. He believed that reasonable people would hardly harm themselves and support the possibility of will weakness (Soccio, 2016).…

  • Socrates Method and Philosophical Ideas

    The papers aim is to study the main ideas of Socrates, the outstanding Greek philosopher. In the work the author studies the Socratic Method, sheds light on Socrates ideas of soul, virtue and knowledge. It would be hard to find a more mysterious and captivating historical figure among philosophers than that of the ancient Greek…

  • Socrates Wisdom and Rational Thinking

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Objection Conclusion References Footnotes Introduction Philosophers tried to find the meaning of life throughout history, and there is no unanimous opinion on this issue even nowadays. As Socrates claims in Platos Apology, the unexamined life is not worth living. 1 This perspective articulated by Socrates emphasizes the importance of knowledge…