Category: Social Media

  • Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TV

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Social Media: Positive and Negative Images Conclusion References Introduction Having lost its status as the most influential medium, TV still exposes society to various beneficial and negative images. On a positive note, diversity in TV series has been growing, affecting the number of characters to represent women, racial minorities, and…

  • Discussion: Public Intimacy and Social Media

    The communications in the modern social networking sites are characterized by the almost instantaneous feedback regarding ones behavior or emotional state from close people as well as acquaintances. Although people may sometimes become victims of verbal abuse, it is fair to argue that most of the normally functioning online spaces are usually associated with the…

  • Fake News on Social Media and How to Prevent It

    Information can be considered one of the most important assets because it provides knowledge on various matters. People obtain data from different sources, such as other individuals, books, magazines, or the Internet. Nonetheless, not all information or ways of acquiring it present reliable facts. For instance, news that is spread among the public may misguide…

  • Becoming Distant on Social Media

    Over the recent decades, social media has become an integral part of many peoples lives. Various media resources are currently used by all segments of the population in the US on a daily basis. The number of opportunities for people to connect and communicate via the Internet has increased, but there are also serious drawbacks…

  • The Adolescents Social Media Use

    The research problem that I am going to explore pertains to the effects that adolescents active social media (SM) use has on society. Having reviewed the readings for Unit 6, I engaged in the preliminary analysis of the previously selected general topic to formulate a specific problem to explore. My thought process in choosing the…

  • The Role of Social Media in American News Media

    In recent decades, primarily due to the digitization of communications, the role of the media in society has evolved. In the past, consumers were forced to rely mainly on information produced, disseminated, and regulated by institutions like companies and major news organizations. These organizations decided which topics and stories were noteworthy, affecting how the general…

  • Social Dilemma: Should We Regulate Social Media?

    Technological advancement has made our lives significantly more manageable, from transport, healthcare, and telecommunications to money transfer, among others. Nonetheless, there have been issues that have emerged because of digital inventions. On that point, this article discusses the effects of social media on our lives and whether it needs regulation. The perspectives illustrated below either…

  • The Popularization of Social Media

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The social infrastructure changes in response to each advancement in technology. The popularization and near worldwide dissemination of social media have meaningfully impacted modern society. Today, a global community is formed through social networking services as people from different parts of the world can engage with…

  • The Role of Social Medias Influence

    It is generally agreed upon that the social media, in contrast to the mass communication industry, reaches a large number of audiences and thus is to a greater extent, democratic. With the use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, news, and information spread fast thus, they have been more and more used…

  • Social Medias Design Implementation

    Methodology Several qualitative data analysis methods can be used to analyze qualitative data. In this particular case, the best qualitative research method used in analyzing the data is the classical content analysis method. Classical content analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique in which the researcher counts the number of times each event occurs (Flick…