Category: Social Issues

  • Social Issues Reflected in the Art Works

    Bertolt Brecht: Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hammer with which to change it for the better Most art pieces are borne from real-life experiences of either the author himself or from the experiences of others around him. Not only is the work supposed to reflect what happens in the day-to-day…

  • Social Issues in Countries and Region

    Barr, V. J. (2016). Planning for healthy and equitable communities in British Columbia: a critical analysis of the implementation of an equity lens in Healthy Built Environments initiatives (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).  The article by Barr (2016) addresses the pressing social problems of poverty, inequality, poor health, and environmental degradation. Social issues challenge…

  • Asian Americans and American Males Social Issues

    Introduction In the US, there are several ethnic communities that reside in different parts of the country. The population consists of Americans, Asian Americans, Indian Americans, Latinos, and African Americans. Over the past years, the various groups have been experiencing a number of social challenges that affect their well-being in society. Some of the problems…

  • Diversity in a Workplace as a Social Issue

    Introduction At the moment, in the work of organizations, one of the concerns that managers should pay attention to is the creation of a comfortable and healthy environment. This allows the forming of a workplace that provides the company with effective results and a competitive, capable place in the market. Teamwork management becomes an essential…

  • Social Control Theory: Informal Control Issue

    Informal control is important in fostering a proactive communal coexistence. Reflectively, the process consists of a structured human control system that incorporates all the aspects of human living. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the implications of theories emphasizing informal social controls on family issues such as dual-income families, blended families, extended families,…

  • Communitys Overall Well-Being: Real-Time Social Issues

    The information offered in the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint presentation is specific, actionable, goal-referenced, and precise and has an immediate impact on the audience. This PowerPoint is applicable because it addresses real-time social issues that affect the people residing within a society. Notably, everybody is susceptible to various kinds of social injustices. Hence, scholars…

  • Stress Factors: Work, Financial, Social Issues

    Almost everyone experiences stress. When someone is stressed, it means that he or she feels worried and tense because of certain problems or difficulties. It is an inherent part of various activities and interactions. From evolution, stress is a natural and helpful response of our organism to a threat (Chrousos, Loriaux, & Gold, 2013). It…

  • James Baldwin Exploring Social and Racial Issues

    This thesis contends that the literary works of James Baldwin are the most significant contribution to U.S. culture and literature as they illustrate the authors sincere and justified disappointment with his country that refused to learn from its past horrible lessons. It is noteworthy that this great writers literary heritage which serves as a tool…

  • Analysis of Social Issues Raised in American Literature

    Any literary work raises an issue related to a political or social problem in society. An examination of a narratives historical context, its literary features, and plot helps identify and understand such societal issues. The poem Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall, the poem The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key, and the novel The…

  • Allocating Finite Resources and Social Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction Rationing The Shortage of Health Workers The Rising Rate of Uninsured People and the Rising Prices The Aging of the Population Conclusion References Introduction The limit of non-renewable or finite resources causes a necessity to develop a strategy for their advantageous utilization. Therefore, the problem of their proper allocation has been…