Category: Smoking

  • Tobacco Use Induced Pleasure

    Every task we perform in our life has some curiosity hidden inside it, curiosity to experience something new. Unaware of its pros and cons we want to experience it. Once we get a spark of pleasure from that experience it becomes our habit and then slowly that habit becomes our addiction. Everything has developed in…

  • Pros And Cons Of Tobacco Smoking

    Abstract This report explains in various ways why smoking tobacco is harmful for smokers , non-smokers, animals and the environment in general. It also goes in depth to whether smoking should be banned or not. It also states the cons and pros of tobacco while providing suggestions as to how many lives could be saved…

  • Why Smoking Is Prohibited In Islam

    Under Islam, good things are allowable while bad things are forbidden. Islam calls on its followers to remain strong and not to allow their strength to be weakened by smoking and other harmful habits which pose a menace to the health and the mind and induce a state of stupor and addiction. Smoking is a…

  • Advantages of E-Cigars to Cigarette Smoking

    Introduction Electronic cigars, also known as vape pens, are battery-driven and deliver nicotine through a fluid called e-juice. They were developed to curb the intensive increase of tobacco use (Qiu, 2017). Consumption of this substance, according to researchers, provides a better health living as opposed to tobacco smoking. Thesis Statement Despite the many benefits of…

  • Vaping is No Better than Smoking

    People do not understand exactly how dangerous vaping is to their bodies. Some believe it is completely harmless. Most believe it is better than smoking, and vape without thinking twice about what they are inhaling into their fragile lungs. This is because vaping has been falsely advertised by vaping associations. They lie about the contents…

  • Should Cigarette Smoking be Banned or not?

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO)’s report (2008), nearly 100 million people had died because of cigarette smoking-related causes during the 20th century. It has also predicted that tobacco will kill more than 8 million people every year by 2030 without intervention, and 80% of those deaths will occur in developing countries. For a…

  • Essay on Negative Effects of Vaping

    Does Vaping Negatively Affect our Health? Vaping is a technology that was created in 2003 by a Chinese pharmacist in Beijing. This inventor was a very heavy smoker and sought to create a way to inhale nicotine like smoke but without the harmful side effects of cigarettes. His inspiration to build such a device came…

  • Persuasive Essay on Smoking

    2000 Words Essay About Smoking The series of countless unsafe results and or consequences of smoking is no longer just for your lungs barring human beings yet. (The reasons why smoking is awful for you) These issues regarding fitness would possibly embody social, and psychological stages of will which may also injure the bulk of…

  • Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Smoking: Negative Effects

    Table of Contents Introduction Negative effects of cigarette smoking Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Cigarette smoking is well known to have diverse health effects on humans. Some of the common illnesses associated with cigarette smoking include those that affect the lungs, liver and heart. The diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, bronchitis and heart attack.…

  • Community-Based Interventions to Promote Non-Smoking

    A research design is a methodical plan to investigate a problem (Gnich, 2004). Every research utilizes a specific design in the methodologies depending on the type of the study to be carried out. Notably, the designs for the quantitative researches are descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental. The paper below analyzes an article from an online…