Category: Slavery

  • Slavery and Its Impact on Modern Social Relations

    Table of Contents Introduction The History of Slavery The Impact of Slavery on the Contemporary Society Conclusion References Introduction Slavery is an infamous system that used to be a part of the history of many countries, and the US is not an exception. The current project aims at investigating the history of slavery and its…

  • Slavery and Its Religious and Moral Aspects

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of Religion and Morality in the Debate over Slavery Impact of the Arguments on Contemporary Racial Discussions Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Discussions on the religious and moral aspects of slavery have been and remain relevant social topics. In order to evaluate individual opinions regarding this area and compare the ideas…

  • The History of Slavery: Impacts on Contemporary Society

    Table of Contents Introduction History of Slavery Effects on Contemporary Society Conclusion References Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to…

  • The Significant Events Leading to the End of Slavery

    Slavery is one of the significant events in world history. Most historians and professionals studying slavery define it as a practice of owning human beings as personal property, therefore, having the right to decide on their fate and well-being. This essay looks at some of the significant events leading to the end of slavery by…

  • The Impact of Slavery on Society

    Table of Contents Introduction Slavery: History and Impact Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Slavery is a tragedy in human history due to its cruel barbarism, scale, organized nature, and denial of the victims essence. It is the worst form of deprivation of human rights, one that exclusively the constant moral appeals of civil society could contain.…

  • Indentured Servitude and Slavery: Similarities and Differences

    Indentured servants and slaves were brought from outside America to work in plantations in the colony. These people faced cruel punishment for petty crimes. They were poorly housed, ill-clothed, ill-fed, bought, and sold (Smedley, 2007). Furthermore, indentured servants and slaves had high mortality due to poor working conditions. Their ideas were born of the necessity…

  • Dews View of Slavery: Debate in the Virginia Legislature

    Dew argued that the New Testament not only justifies slavery but even encourages it. He attributes this to the fact that the text provides a detailed description of what rules should be declared to slaves. For example, it is said that a slave can be beaten, but not to death. If the master used physical…

  • The Machiavellianism Theorys Application to Slavery

    The discipline of social sciences is widely used to denote the way individuals behave within a society, differentiating the morally accepted behaviors that are mostly referred to as immoral. Those individuals occupying certain leadership positions are prone to being dictators and thus many of them would be vulnerable to leading in a corrupt way. Machiavellianism…

  • Indentured Servitude and Slavery in Virginia in the 1600s

    Indentured servitude and slavery possessed different connotations for individuals in Virginia in the 1600s. Some slave masters would grant freedom to slaves after a certain period. In other instances, they would provide these individuals with a piece of land within their plantation to work. Such slaves would consequently purchase their freedom from the profit gained…

  • Slavery as a Part of Americas History

    More than two centuries of American history were overshadowed by such a terrible phenomenon as slavery when people were divided into white and black. Many articles, films, and books focus on this period of U. S. life. One of the videos of A Biography of America produced by WGBH Boston also strives to present a…