Category: Sexual Orientation
Is Paedophilia A Sexual Orientation?
Paraphilic disorders are characterised by abnormalities and disturbances in ones sexual behaviour and attraction which causes significant distress and impairment to personal functioning. Paedophilia is a psychosexual paraphilic disorder involving sexual attraction towards children below the age of consent. Paedophilic attraction is mistakenly used synonymously with child molestation, this is present in the diagnostic and…
Sexual Orientation: Gender Identity And Gender Studies
In todays world, gender has been an overlooked topic in society. But what some may not be aware of that there are more than just your basic male (boy) and female (girl) gender. Hence, to point out clearly, there are many different genders that people in the world use to identify themselves. Our generation needs…
Will The Sexual Orientation Of Parents Affect Childhood Development?
Rachel H. Farr conducted a longitudinal study during the early 2000s to see whether parental sexual orientation effected childhood development in early to middle childhood of children that were adopted (Farr, 2017). The participants for the study were recruited from five private adoption agencies from across the continental United States, where adoption by same-sex couples…
Sexual Orientation Trajectories
Brief Overview A critical factor in understanding health disparities lies in defining the status of sexual minority groups over an extended development period. Lack of quality and unanimity in the methods used to collect, operationalize, and analyze data is a critical barrier, especially when sexual orientation begin to emerge. The age between adolescence and the…
Factors Influencing Sexual Orientation Of Men And Women
Recently, in western society sexual orientation has been a large topic of discussion. Kauth and Kalichman (1995) defined sexual orientation as the cumulative experience and interaction of erotic fantasy, romantic-emotional feelings, and sexual behavior directed toward one or both genders (p. 82, as cited in Wilkinson & Roys, 2005, p. 66). Yet, questions arise with…
Is Sexual Orientation Determined At Birth?
Most people usually would say yes to my question. Why is that? Why do individuals that are more for versed in LGBTQ(+) rights community or equality would usually agree to with this type of question. The Equality Act 2010 states, You mustn’t be discriminated against because you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. This is called…