Category: School

  • Phones at School: Positive and Negative Sides

    Table of Contents Introduction Incorporating into Lessons Access to Supplement Information Distraction and Interruptions Conclusion Works Cited Introduction With widespread availability of smartphones, the penetration of technology has reached 95%, with 45% using it constantly for a range of social and entertainment activities (Anderson and Jiang). Anecdotal evidence suggests that students bring smartphones to school…

  • The Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

    The use of cell phones in schools by students has become a fiercely debatable topic that concerns all segments of society, including students, parents, teachers, scholars, and officials. People who mostly advocate for using mobile phones consider that these devices are beneficial in providing safety and seamless connection of pupils with parents and are useful…

  • The Concept of School 42: Benefits and Advantages

    Testing the concept of School 42 within the Centre for Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship could bring new creative minds, ideas, and innovation. The concept of School 42, which later received global development and has more than 15 schools around the world, including in projects such as School 21 in Russia. The idea behind School 42…

  • Algebra as a Requirement in High School and College

    Introduction In modern conditions, mathematics is the language of science and technology. With its help, many processes and phenomena occurring in the world, society, and nature are modeled, studied, and predicted, therefore the mathematical training of students is a necessary condition for accelerating technological progress. The scientific, economic, production, and defense potential of the country…

  • The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

    The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the deadliest school shootings in American history, along with Virginia Tech shooting and Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. This paper aims at providing an overview of the tragic case, addressing the events leading to the incident, and discussing legal considerations associated with the shooting. The report…

  • Crisis Intervention: The Problem of School Shooting

    Introduction Despite multiple attempts at reducing the levels of the school shooting and prevent the exposure of vulnerable groups to the phenomenon in question, it remains a large concern in the modern sociocultural context. Addressing the needs of victims of a school shooting is especially difficult due to their increased vulnerability and psychological exhaustion. Therefore,…

  • How to Solve Traffic Congestion in My School District

    Table of Contents Introduction Developing a Walking School Bus Program Mapping Out Changing Drop-Off, Pickup, and Physical Design Patterns Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The rate of traffic congestion in my school district is one of the leading causes of frustration for most teachers, students, and parents who want to get to different locations on time…

  • White Only Signs in School Dress and Grooming Codes

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary Response Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Racial discrimination is widely discussed as society progresses from segregative tendencies of the previous century to diversity and equality valued today. Consequently, the events where the regulations negatively affect minority groups representatives receive much attention. The article School Dress and Grooming Codes Are the New…

  • Technology in Pre-School Education Facility

    Memorandum Education is a growing industry that is becoming more open to the private sector. The concept of life-long learning becomes a necessity to secure and maintain a stable income. At the same time, many parents realize the importance of pre-school education as a pre-requisite for academic success in school. This memorandum will cover matters…

  • Fundraising Event Project Planning at the Camden School

    Overview and Scope Definition The current project deals with planning a fundraising event at the Camden School, which thematically ties to the end of their school year, with the raised money being donated to charity. A fair may be an appropriate type of event considering the educational setting, allowing both the school and its participating…