Category: Ronald Reagan

  • Was Ronald Reagan a Good President Essay

    Introduction: Reagan’s Unexpected Presidential Journey How did Ronald Reagan win peoples hearts? What steps in Reagans life led him to be the respected, well-loved President that he was? What were his plans and foreign policies while in office? President Reagan was an optimistic, kind man whom many people loved. Because he wanted to do what…

  • President Ronald Reagan: General Overview of His Way of Life

    How much do you know about President Ronald Reagan? Did you know he was an actor for many years before he became President? Did you know President Reagan was the only President, up until current President Donald Trump, to have had a divorce and remarried? Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States…

  • Ronald Reagan Pros and Cons

    Introduction to Reagan’s Presidency Ronald Reagan was an above-average president. He strongly believed that communism was detrimental to America and the world, and he worked hard to bring it down. Reagan was well-liked by most Americans, who viewed him as an approachable, down-to-earth, good-natured president. Economic Reforms and Achievements President Reagan had many goals involving…

  • Ronald Reagan Cold War Essay

    Ronald Reagan Ends the Cold War Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: we win, they lose.1- Ronald Reagan. While simple in its idea, Reagan did what he promised. While Reagan may not have won the Cold War per se, he did navigate his way through the prospect of a possible nuclear war. Ronald Reagan…

  • One Great Man of America: Descriptive Essay on Ronald Reagan’s Life

    There are many great men in history such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etcetera, but what makes them great? Could it be the grit to move forward, the ability of perseverance that keeps them going? Maybe, integrity of spirit and mind that defines themselves as a special person? Is passion the drive that continues to…

  • Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech Analysis

    On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle The Challenger broke up 73 seconds after liftoff, and all seven crew members on board were killed. Almost immediately, Ronald Reagan had been given the task to give a speech that would put the nation at ease. On the same day at 5 p.m., he sat down in…