Category: Republican Party

  • Ronald Reagan and His Role in Changing the Republican Party’s Abortion Policy

    When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, there was no doubt that he would be an anti-choice president. Well, almost no doubt. In 1967, Ronald Reagan (the governor at the time) signed the California Therapeutic Abortion Law which authorized California physicians to perform abortions in a hospital up to twenty-one (21) weeks in cases in…

  • Republican Factionalism and Black Empowerment

    Article Review The main argument in Fitzgeralds article is concerned with the intersection of the factional conflict and black social aspirations during the Southern Reconstruction (474). The author notes that due to the divisions among white Republican leaders, African Americans received more power in the southern party. Particularly, there was a conflict between two carpetbag…

  • Reconstruction and Radical Republicans

    The Reconstruction was a period in the U.S. history at the end of, and immediately after, the Civil War. Although the North won the military conflict, political and ideological differences had to be resolved. President Abraham Lincoln put forward a long-term plan to reintegrate the South states as a first step to achieving this reconciliation.…

  • The Republican White House 1921-1933

    Table of Contents Introduction Foreign Policy and Isolationism Economic Collapse Corruption Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The American Political system has undergone several phases through the past presidents policies and reforms. The Republican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party (G.O.P), is one of the two main parties in the U.S. As of today, the…

  • Roman Republican Busts and Coins

    One can depict or assume a lot about a past culture from their portraits, statues and other works of art. Throughout history, Romans have been known as a very powerful and warmongering nation. They respected older people and valued three virtues: pietas (respect for authority and tradition), fides (being true to ones responsibilities), religio (common…