Category: Regret

  • Functional Theory Of Counterfactual Thinking

    Abstract The functional theory of counterfactual thinking relies heavily on the functions of what if and if only, components of the emotion of regret. It has been demonstrated that these counterfactual thoughts serve important adaptive functions, as regret is assumed to facilitate good decision making in children, preceding adulthood (OConnor, McCormack, Feeney, 2014). For researchers,…

  • How Does Dickens Explore The Themes Of Regret And Responsibility In Stave One As A Whole?

    Written in 1843 by Charles Dickens, across five staves, A Chistmas Carol depicts the mean-spirited and miserly character of Ebenezer Scrooge, who is haunted by four spirits, in an attempt to transform him into a kinder; more charitable man. On a surface level, the First Stave, introduces the greedy and harsh character of Scrooge, seven…

  • The Psychology Of Regret: Definition And Effects

    Past research demonstrated that choices to act produce more lament than choices not to act . This past research concentrated on choices settled on in detachment and disregarded that choices are regularly made in light of before results. The authors appear in 4 analyses that these earlier results may advance activity and consequently make inaction…