Category: Psychology 2075

  • Comparative, Ideological, and Empirical Reasoning

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion References Introduction Critical thinking requires more than problem-solving, but also the ability to predict the possible outcomes of an occurrence based on previous experience and acquired skills. It can be divided further into comparative reasoning, ideological reasoning, and empirical reasoning. These different types of reasoning help a person to…

  • Impostor Syndrome and Coping Mechanisms

    In social media, you can find stories of people who became successful and tell the audience about them. We can notice a tendency of appearance in a person with the so-called impostor syndrome, killing their motivation for work. The impostor phenomenon is an inferiority complex that can be overcome by eliminating psychological problems. It is…

  • Advisory on Improving Self-Concept

    Table of Contents Summary Self-concept and Self-esteem How Physical Activity Can Enhance Self-concept and Self-esteem References Summary Self-concept is, in general words, is how a person perceives himself. It often answers the question, who am I? Therefore, self-concept is the perception of our identity, including physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and other characteristics. Shavelson et al.s…

  • Behavioral Rules in Public Places

    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose Literature Review Expectations Methods Results and Analysis Conclusion Interview Questions Works Cited Introduction Any society has certain norms and rules of behavior, which all the members are expected to keep to. The way people behave often serves as a sign of their good manners and respect for other people. For…

  • Exploring Dreams: Applying CTQs and CTDs for Personal Growth

    Table of Contents Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 When applying CTQs and CTDs to the topic of dreams, one might follow several steps combining CTQs to ask questions and guide the thinking process and CTDs to shape the answers to those questions. Step 1 CTQ: What…

  • The Six Characteristics or Elements of Self-Control

    The elements of self-control determine a persons ability to resist and avoid crime in any context and kind of temptation. The absence of self-control shows the characteristics that essentially determine a crime in particular circumstances. This classification was created by Gottfredson and Hirshi to explain the mechanisms and reasons for involving a person in crime…

  • Cognitive Domain  Two Main Theorists

    Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development: Summary The Piagets theory consits of four different stages of cognitive development. The first one is sensorimotor stage, which is the first of four stages in the process of cognitive development. It lasts from birth to about two years, and during this period, children develop rapidly (Babakr et al. 518).…

  • Bereavement and Grief of the Personal Loss

    Personal loss occurs when someone loses something precious in his or her life (Leming & Dickinson, 2011, p. 26). This kind of loss occurs after the death of a beloved person. Personal loss is usually associated with deep emotions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bereavement and grief describe the emotional responses associated with personal loss (Martzo,…

  • Child Welfare Risk Assessment Strategies

    Table of Contents Introduction Child Welfare Practice Conclusion Reference List Introduction There are various risk assessment strategies utilized when it comes to child welfare. Some of the most widespread assessments are Child abuse potential inventory (CAPI), Risk Inventory for Substance Abuse-Affected Families, Structures Decision Making (SDM) Safety Assessment, Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Parenting Stress Index…

  • Case Study for Piaget Project

    Table of Contents Background information Cognitive task Analysis of observation Conclusion Work Cited Jean Piaget has been referred to as the greatest psychologist of his time. In the 18th century, Piaget carried out extensive research in the field of child psychology. His findings are still applicable in todays society. In fact, Piagets work has widely…