Category: Programming

  • Java as a Programming Language: Creating an App

    Before a computer program can be executed, it must be created and compiled. Any text editor or IDE is used to edit the Java source code. The extension of the file should, while the file name should reflect the term used in the public class line. The next step when creating a program is…

  • Object-Oriented vs Procedural Programming Paradigms

    Procedural programming and Object-oriented programming (OOP) are two paradigms in programming. They are fundamentally different in how they approach problem-solving and organizing programs. Under procedural programming, a program is organized as a step-by-step instruction to solve a problem. The instructions are executed linearly, but they can include elements that control the flow of a program,…

  • Aspects of Coral Programming

    Using functions in coral is very useful when creating programs that require their specific input. Using the current case where the manager does not need to waste time creating a coral program to send pictures, breaking the program together with the algorithms used is necessary. This shows the first advantage of using functions rather than…

  • Transshipment Problem Solving with Linear Programming

    Abstract This term paper showcases the Application of Quantitative Methods for the exploration and analysis of a transshipment problem through a linear programming model for Lij Systems. An electronic company would like to determine an optimal transshipment plan that minimizes total transportation cost while meeting demands in each retail outlet and not exceeding the capacity…

  • Linear Programming Models Review

    Summary In business, linear programming models have the potential to be used in profit optimization. As evidenced in the article by Maurya, Misra, Anderson, and Shukla (2015), linear programming can be used to facilitate the integration of effective quantitative techniques to predict the need for profit optimization. Using the example of an Ethiopian chemical company,…

  • Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Sensitivity Analysis Example Linear Programming Illustration of application of linear programming Real example Conclusion Reference List Introduction Sensitivity analysis and linear programming are important statistical tools of analysis when faced with the challenge of making a decision against series of constraints in business. As referred to as linear optimization, linear programming…