Category: Pregnancy

  • Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy

    Table of Contents Introduction Nutritional Requirements during Pregnancy The Physiology and Psychology of Pregnancy Factors that Affect Nutrition During Pregnancy Food Properties Individual Factors Environmental Factors Conclusion References Introduction Nutrition and pregnancy are the terms that are closely related to each other. The foods that a woman eats during her pregnancy have some effects on…

  • Nutritional Support During Pregnancy

    Introduction There is a variety of changes that transform a womans body during pregnancy. The nutritional pattern followed by the mother will affect both her and her babys health. Eating healthy is an essential requirement during pregnancy. It is also important to stick to a balanced diet so as to comply with an adequate nutritional…

  • Teenage Pregnancy Problem

    Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government of the United States of…

  • Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy

    Introduction The type of food a woman consumes during pregnancy is very important because it is the babys main source of nourishment, and as a result, it determines the health of the baby. Health experts recommend that a pregnant woman chooses healthy foods that supply the necessary nutrients required for the optimum growth and development…

  • Sex Education Curricula can and has Reduced the Number of Pregnancies in Fayette and Shelby County

    Introduction Throughout the United States, teen pregnancy is a major problem and a cause for concern. The United States ranks top among the developed nations in cases of pregnancies before the age of twenty. About 10% of females between 15 and 20 get pregnant every year which is approximately 890000 teens. Statistics show that more…

  • School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy Conclusion Reference List Abstract This essay provides an overview of school sex education and teenage pregnancy in the United States. The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy. Nonetheless, United States is one…

  • Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development

    Interruption of the mental status of the mother during pregnancy and its effects on the unborn child is today a subject of great concern. Most of the studies that seek to ascertain the relationship between prenatal anxieties and the childs subsequent growth are often subjected to a lot of criticism as they fail to justify…

  • Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaines Pregnancy

    Elaines case describes the situation when a young woman chooses adoption as an appropriate option to provide her child with two loving parents. The problem is in the fact that Elaine could not guarantee the proper care for herself and her baby (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). In addition, the young woman was unable to give…

  • The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History

    The details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child. For instance, the pediatrician or the preschool healthcare professional may understand whether the child is at risk of developing vascular disorders based on the childs birth weight or previous congenital malformations. To avoid numerous negative outcomes…

  • Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

    The birth rate is one of the most important factors determining demographic health in any society. One of the major problems in this area is teen pregnancy, which implies consequences for health, social status, and economic state for numerous families all over the world. However, it influences not only households but the whole communities and…