Category: Politics & Government 2182

  • Influence of Lifecycle and Generational Events on Political Ideologies

    Introduction Political ideologies are views of what it means to have an idea, or at least desirable, socioeconomic framework. There is a correlation between geography and the attitudes of the residents. For instance, while such states as Mississippi and Alabama are considered deeply conservative, Chan argues that a liberal candidate would almost always win a…

  • The Myth of the Strong Leader Article by Archie Brown

    Since time immemorial, leadership across the world has been reduced to the paradigm of strength: weak versus strong, even when effective authority can be manifested and exercised through different channels. The Myth of the Strong Leader was written by professor Archie Brown of Oxford University, published by Basic Book in the Arizona United States in…

  • Territorial Incorporation and Expansionism Traditions

    The present paper is devoted to contrasting the doctrine of territorial incorporation (DTI) with colonialist (CTTE) and imperialist (ITTE) traditions of territorial expansionism. Venator-Santiago describes CTTE, ITTE, and DTI as three approaches to territorial expansionism that differed in multiple ways, including the purpose and way of acquisition and the resulting status of the acquired territory.…

  • Organization Theory and Classical Foundations

    Bureaucratic system perfectly fits in an unpretentious, legalistic, and rigid social order. It is irreconcilable with intricate, self-motivated, and idiosyncratic societies (Pershing & Austin, 2014). Bureaucratic system is predicted to be substituted by the age of innovativeness, and non-lawful, lenient means of power. Bureaucracy and democracy point toward standards for positioning authority and control that…

  • Social Security Long-Term Solvency Problems

    Social Security is the federal insurance program in the United States handling Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI). Established in 1935, Social Security is funded by taxes from salaries and contributions from those in business or self-employed people. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the agent that collects them. The income collected from the taxes…

  • Judicial and Executive Branches and Their Roles

    Humans are social beings that prefer to live in a community that introduces the patterns that are used in everyday cooperation between its members. Besides, to avoid anarchy and outline limits that should regulate the communitys functioning and well-being, people are not able to act in the way they want. There are specific rules and…

  • Morphosyntactic Features: Political Debates

    Introduction: Overview of Morphosyntactic Features Morphosyntactic features are features that in a given language are involved in either agreement or government. These features include tense, case, numbers, gender, person, definiteness, mood, and aspect (Rijkhoff, 2016). In this research, I will be looking at the political debates that are carried out during elections. This research aims…

  • The Future of Human Resource and Public Personnel

    The current century public sector and personnel reforms mainly emphasize practices and policies focused on emerging management needs, elected officials performance, and business outcomes. The civic workers sector focuses on improved effectiveness by addressing political barriers, while the Human Resources (HR) work toward protecting employees rights and flexible administration (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). Attracting, recruiting,…

  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009

    As President George W. Bushs term moved closer to the end, a major financial crisis rocked the world. Prior to the onset of this major downward trend, the United States economy seemed to be thriving as financial institutions had generous consumer lending practices, and there was a lot of new money in the economy. Also,…

  • Fire Companies Theoretical Effectiveness Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact on a Structure Fire Offensive and Defensive Attacks References Introduction To begin with, fire companies play a pivotal role in creating a safe environment with a low probability of disasters due to natural or anthropological causes. However, heat is not constant, and it may be started in any part of…