Category: Politics & Government 2182

  • US State and Local Government: Duties Distribution

    There is no use denying the fact that government is the phenomenon, which regulates the life of society and serves as the barrier which restrains chaos and anarchy. Moreover, the government provides a great number of different services, which are vital for the existence of a state and its population. Thus, peculiarities of the functioning…

  • Liberty vs. Security Article by David Haynes

    In the reading selection, Liberty vs. Security: An Old Debate Renewed in the Age of Terror, David Haynes discusses the governments efforts, specifically the National Security Agency (NSA) to continue snooping into Americans phone records and conversations under the pretext of national security. The author argues that the NSA had been carrying out an extensive…

  • Application of the Gowers Report in the Modern World

    The report is relevant to the modern world because it gives a glimpse of the death penalty necessity. Gwilym mentions that the commission rejects the recommendations to divide murder into two distinct levels (Gowers Report, 1955). Arguably, the statement applauds the existence of the death penalty. The report is relevant to the present world in…

  • Border Security in the United States

    Safeguarding the state borders is traditionally regarded as one of the key priorities of home security. In its essence, border security is expected to shield a state from intruders and illegal migrants, thus preventing the threats of terrorism and economic instability. Therefore, creating a safe environment for citizens is the primary function of border security.…

  • The Atlanta Exposition Address by Booker T. Washington

    The speech given by Booker T. Washington on September 18, 1895 in Atlanta, Georgia, became one of the most influential and meaningful speeches in the history of America (Booker T. Washington Delivers the 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech, par. 1). Nowadays the speech is seen from many various perspectives, this is why many different opinions are…

  • Government Role in Encouraging Inner City Growth

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction A leadership role The role of creating an environment that supports business The role of enabling competitiveness in business The role of fostering the creation of a competitive workforce The role of creating a positive image of inner cities The role of encouraging wealth creation Conclusion References Abstract This paper…

  • The Changing Nature of Volunteering in Australia

    Table of Contents Introduction Defining Volunteering Significance of Volunteering Trends in Volunteering The Mutual Obligation Regime Why the Mutual Obligation Regime has not Replaced Philanthropy Conclusion References Introduction Volunteering has a long history in Australia and it has played a critical role in the development of many communities in the nation. This activity has been…

  • Privatizing Government Functions in the United States

    I agree that government bureaucracies are ill-equipped to handle simple, everyday tasks since they manage them as a monopoly. The lack of competition affects the performance and, therefore, the quality of provided services. Such services can cost less than those of private companies, but the price is not what matters in the case when it…

  • Birtherism Theory in the United States

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of Birtherism Theory Popularity of birtherism Why Birtherism Appeals to People How to Prevent Birtherism in Future Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Conspiracy theories have existed for a long period, and it is used to explain the causes of significant political and social events and circumstances. Such ideas are pushed by…

  • Kenneth Josts Article Unrest in the Arab World

    The Arab Spring was started not only as of the change of the political regimes but also as a change in the public consciousness regarding the ideas of civil and political rights. Such viewpoints are promoted in work Unrest in the Arab World, which was written by Kenneth Jost in 2013. To understand the situation…