Category: Politics & Government 2182

  • Budgetary Priorities and Public Policy Problems

    Budgeting is the process of resource allocation to various sectors of the economy. Its the selection of ends and the means to reach those ends within a country. Budgeting involves the division of resources between the public and private sectors as well as among competing needs and wants. Budgeting is the manifestation of a countries…

  • Young Adults: Exploring Public Service Careers

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction McCullough graduated in the year 2007 from the Waterloo University. She decided to take a job in the Public Service Commission. She later transferred to Ottawa to take a position that was offered to her by the Public Service Commission of Canada. There were several…

  • National Security Council Susceptibility to Interest Groups

    The role of interest groups cannot be underestimated in shaping the policy in the United States. In that regard, such a role can be extended to national security issues and the decisionmaking process within the National Security Council. In that regard, the present paper argues that the National Security Council is susceptible to the influence…

  • Public Policy and Civic Engagement of Older Adults

    Civil engagement By civil engagement, we mean collective actions of individuals that specifically identify and deal with issues concerning the public. This includes taking part in community events, voting, social activism, religious activities, political lobbying, campaigning, and involvement, helping the neighbors, and voluntary and paid community work. It has been observed that older Americans also…

  • Reorganization of DHS to Improve Security

    Introduction The re-organization of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) represents one of the most radical and diverse arrangements made in the US government especially because it led to the placement of over twenty-two government agencies under one umbrella. Whether the reorganization was effective or if the old way of business was better There are…

  • The Changes That Have Taken Place in Polish Government

    Introduction The Republic of Poland is located in central Europe bordering Germany; Ukraine, Lithuania, and Belarus; Slovakia and Czech Republic; and Russia to the west, east, south and north respectively. Currently, the population is estimated at thirty eight million people who occupy 312, 679 km2 of the land. The Republic of Poland is considered one…

  • Business and Multinational Companies Internationalization

    Table of Contents Introduction Motivation and Rationale The Process of Internationalisation Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Analyzing international business in general, it can be stated that at the advent of the 21st century it became such a universal and pervasive phenomenon of modern civilization that it is practically impossible to provide an unambiguous definition of what…

  • Policy: Evaluation and Integration

    Integrating a policy is a multi-dimensional aspect. In that regard, policies of executive departments can be especially difficult in terms of integration.Taking the example of the National Strategy released by the current administration in the White House, it can be stated that broad points might put some difficulties in terms of evaluation. The assessment of…

  • Reinventing Government by Donald Kettl

    Such concept as the reinvention of the government has always been a subject of thorough sociological analysis. Overall, this notion can be discussed from several perspectives such as for instance administrative and political. Traditionally, it implies some radical or even revolutionary changes in society and state machinery. However, this belief is based on common misconception,…

  • Creation of FEMA and DHS: Reasons and Importance

    Table of Contents Introduction History of FEMA Why FEMA was created The Department of Homeland Security Why the DHS was formed Conclusion References Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency has been in operation since 1979 and has the duty of preventing, mitigating, recovering, and responding to man-made or natural disasters in the United States. The…