Category: Philosophy 1203

  • Absurd in Thomas Nagels Philosophy

    The topic of the absurd has been an ultimate ground for philosophical debates and discussions for many centuries. The main issue considered under this theme is the connection between human life and its absurdity. Nagel, in his work, investigates a concern about the inescapable absurdity of human lives and analysis the nature of this phenomenon.…

  • How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles S. Pierce: Review

    In this chapter, Mr. Pierce expresses several opinions about the concept of a clear idea, the way it should be defined and recognized, and the distinction between a truly clear idea and an idea that only looks clear on the surface. He states that any thought is a system to produce belief and that the…

  • What Is Like to Be a Bat by Thomas Nagel

    Nagels groundbreaking mental exercise has inspired years of inquiry and study into animals and human awareness, yet it continues as perplexing and ambiguous as ever. The articles analysis of subjectivity is maybe an essential takeaway. Nagel emphasizes the subjective nature of subjective awareness, which is not represented by physical explanations of the mind or apparent…

  • Philosophical Teachings About the State

    Introduction The state is the leading central institution of society, which is a political and territorial organization of public power that has a special apparatus capable of making its dictates binding and exercising its governance. Philosophers tend to discuss their own opinions about what they think is the state and exactly how it functions. The…

  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnizs Biography

    Table of Contents Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation 4 Equation 5 Equation 6 Works Cited Gottfried Leibniz is one of the greatest polymaths as scholars credit him with several inventions in various fields, including mathematics, psychology, metaphysics, law, physics, and engineering. He was born on July 1, 1646, in Leipzig, Germany. This biography…

  • Senecas Views on the Happy Life: Modern Perspective

    Achieving happiness in life has been a topic of discussion among people for thousands of years. In particular, philosophers of all times are extremely concerned about this issue, one of which is Seneca. In his letters, he discusses the nature of a happy life and how to achieve it. He concludes that only acknowledgment of…

  • The Ship of Theseus Concept Overview

    The discussion of the identity of a whole often includes the paradox called The ship of Theseus. In this example, a ship has all of its parts gradually replaced, while the disassembled parts are used in the creation of its copy. This creates an issue of the origin of an artifact, as to whether the…

  • Truth: Philosophical Theories

    In modern society, the image has a significant role and determines the attitude of people to an individual or organization. Thus, this phenomenon is strongly connected with the truth, which becomes an integral part of it. To study this aspect, various theoretical approaches are used, providing a more detailed understanding. In order for an event…

  • Socratic Philosophy: The Key Features

    Core Philosophy Aspects The special feature of Socratic philosophy is its conscious departure from cosmology, centered on the cosmos, to anthropocentrism, which is its basic, most important principle. Thus, Socrates concentrates on the human being and on the individuals life. Two intents, faith and reasoning, determine Socrates personal and philosophical destiny. Contrary to slanderers, Socrates…

  • Spinozas vs. Descartes Philosophy of Substance

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction The initial problem of the philosophical worldview is the doctrine of being. In modern times, the search for unity and stability in the world has transformed into a solution to the problem of substance. Various philosophers recognized as such either one substance, two consciousness and matter, or…