Category: Philosophy 1203

  • Locke and Descartes: Personal Identity

    The views on personal identity among different philosophers have always differed. Locke and Descartes are two philosophers whose views on this issue are especially interesting to compare. Locke believed in the presence of the physical body and its relevance for the personal identity, whereas Descartes kept to an idea that those are human mind and…

  • What We Have to Lose by Theodore Dalrymple

    The purpose of this paper is to summarise the arguments presented by Theodore Dalrymple in his rather lengthy philosophical article and reflect on them, providing my own opinion. The author begins by mentioning how insignificant he feels in comparison to the shocking and devastating events that transpire regardless of his actions, overshadowing his lifes work.…

  • Structure and Concepts of Analects by Confucius

    It is a common misconception that Confucius wrote the Analects. In fact, although the text is composed of his sayings, there is no singular author of the book since it includes various fragments of the teachings of Confucius students. Therefore, Analects is a collection of Confucius sayings put together by necessity. Analects are believed to…

  • What Is the Soul-Making Process? By Hick

    There exist many debates concerning the existence of God. Atheists argue that there is no actual evidence of Gods existence. To prove their point of view, they say that He would have never allowed evil to happen if He existed. Thus, taking into consideration how many happens in the world every day, how innocent people…

  • Absurd in Thomas Nagels Philosophy

    The topic of the absurd has been an ultimate ground for philosophical debates and discussions for many centuries. The main issue considered under this theme is the connection between human life and its absurdity. Nagel, in his work, investigates a concern about the inescapable absurdity of human lives and analysis the nature of this phenomenon.…

  • How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles S. Pierce: Review

    In this chapter, Mr. Pierce expresses several opinions about the concept of a clear idea, the way it should be defined and recognized, and the distinction between a truly clear idea and an idea that only looks clear on the surface. He states that any thought is a system to produce belief and that the…

  • What Is Like to Be a Bat by Thomas Nagel

    Nagels groundbreaking mental exercise has inspired years of inquiry and study into animals and human awareness, yet it continues as perplexing and ambiguous as ever. The articles analysis of subjectivity is maybe an essential takeaway. Nagel emphasizes the subjective nature of subjective awareness, which is not represented by physical explanations of the mind or apparent…

  • Philosophical Teachings About the State

    Introduction The state is the leading central institution of society, which is a political and territorial organization of public power that has a special apparatus capable of making its dictates binding and exercising its governance. Philosophers tend to discuss their own opinions about what they think is the state and exactly how it functions. The…

  • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnizs Biography

    Table of Contents Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation 4 Equation 5 Equation 6 Works Cited Gottfried Leibniz is one of the greatest polymaths as scholars credit him with several inventions in various fields, including mathematics, psychology, metaphysics, law, physics, and engineering. He was born on July 1, 1646, in Leipzig, Germany. This biography…

  • Senecas Views on the Happy Life: Modern Perspective

    Achieving happiness in life has been a topic of discussion among people for thousands of years. In particular, philosophers of all times are extremely concerned about this issue, one of which is Seneca. In his letters, he discusses the nature of a happy life and how to achieve it. He concludes that only acknowledgment of…