Category: Personal Goals

  • Development and Personal Goals Essay

    Introduction Personal goals serve as the compass that guides individuals through the journey of life, providing direction, purpose, and motivation. These objectives, whether they pertain to professional achievements, personal development, or relational milestones, are essential for fostering growth and fulfillment. Setting personal goals encourages individuals to envision their desired future and to strategize actionable steps…

  • SMART Goal Essay

    Introduction In a world characterized by continuous change due to disruptive forces, organizations are moving rapidly and as such, their people need to be agile and adapt as well. The importance of management comes into play as individuals must reflect upon their strengths and weaknesses to set long-term goals to continue to develop professionally and…

  • You’ve Got a Ticket in Your Hand: Essay

    If I’ve got a ticket in my hand, I would go to Thailand. I would be there for about two weeks. I would go to Thailand because I want to help improve the treatment of elephants. I would go to Phuket Elephant Sanctuary in Thalang, Thailand. I would also want to go sightseeing like at…

  • My Goals Essay Example

    Academic Strategies Final Project Abstract This paper includes all the requirements to complete the final project of the Academic Strategies course. Enclosed here is a detailed description of two long-term goals and three short-term goals for each. In conjunction with these goals there are several obstacles that could get in my way of achieving my…

  • Achieving Goals Essay

    This semester all of my classmates had to find one Malaysian organization. These tasks had to be done as a group. My group chooses AirAsia as our topic. The task given was difficult at first due to a lack of information. However, my team members and I success to complete the task given on time.…

  • Why I Want to Attend Texas State Girls: An Essay

    I first heard about Girls State through my cousin who attended California Boys State, but I did not really learn about it until a good friend, who actually attended Texas Girls State last year, talked about the amazing experience she had in the 7 days she spent in Seguin. What intrigues me most is the…

  • My Motivation for Earning a Degree: Essay

    A Masters in International Business provides essential core business knowledge and even promotes in development of managerial skill that is effective for business leaders I am very keen to study in this particular area which is the reason for applying for Master in International Business with advanced practice in Ulster University. I am currently studying…

  • My Goal in Life Essay

    1.0 Welcome page Hello, my name is Ong Cheng Kei. I am currently still 17 since my birthday is in December. I am a Malaysian and stay in Kuala Lumpur and it is a very busy city. I am currently still a student continuing my tertiary studies at Asia Pacific University (APU). I enrolled in…

  • Why I Want to Run for Student Council: Essay

    Good morning everyone. How are you? My name is Pradyumn Jha and I stand before you today as a candidate for a position as your Student Council representative. I assure you I will work hard on your behalf, listen to your ideas and do everything in my power to make this school the best that…

  • Personal Goals From Teacher And Students’ Points Of View

    From a teachers perspective, one of the single and probably most fundamental goals is to so equip students with an arsenal of skill to develop strategic methodologies to solve problems, to irritate the thought process through discussion relating to teaching and learning as well as to uphold and encourage teaching that will alleviate hurdles to…