Category: Personal Beliefs

  • Essay on What Brotherhood Means to Me

    Brotherhood for me means always being there for each other. Ever since I was born, I have known one thing to be true  my brothers will always be there for me in every situation, and so too I will be there for them in every situation. One who is born with brothers or sisters…

  • What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay

    For some reason (probably thanks to television and especially zealous ‘gurus’ of self-development), the refined image of a successful person is in the air. Such a person always gets up at 6 a.m., immediately begins to smile to lighten the mood, jumps out of bed, and does exercises. Then he squeezes a juicy orange into…

  • Reasons Why the National University Can Be Proud of Me

    I can make the National University proud of me after finishing my degree by letting them know that their vision and mission for students like me were effective. Their mission for students is to mold them into ethical, spiritual, and responsible citizens. Letting the NU community know as a graduate, I am already an ethical,…

  • Proposal Argument on Prenatal and Substance Abuse Essay

    Abstract Teratogenic influences on the fetal brain caused by illicit drug use can be potentially deadly. We can state that children exposed to drug usage in utero can be victims of child abuse and maltreatment. The purpose of this research paper is to describe the effects on children who are born to mothers that are…

  • Essay Proposal on Trans Coming Out

    Be yourself. How many times have you heard that phrase? It sounds so simple, but it is a lot harder than people make it out to be. Over the past decades, being gay was something no one talked about. Many young LGTBQ people hide their true selves from friends, family, and society before they come…

  • Proposal and Argumentative Essay on Social Media Causing Isolation

    Since the advent of social media, the landscape of our day-to-day conversations has been alternated tremendously. Social media became a platform for us to easily keep in touch with our friends and family, or meet new friends online while speeding up our communication as they are only one text away. However, a study published in…

  • Proposal Argument Essay about Lowering the Voting Age

    Introduction As we all know, a voting age is the minimum age established by law that a person must attain before they become eligible to vote in a public election. Today, the most common voting age is 18 years; however, voting ages as low as 16 and as high as 25 currently exist. Most countries…

  • Essay on Teenage Pregnancy Controversy

    In discussions of teenage abortion, one of the controversial, issues has been the mandatory parental permission for this procedure. At this time as the range of socially acceptable behavior increases teenage pregnancy starts to appear as a common issue, therefore causing the rate of abortion to increase. Some might agree that abortion is an individuals…

  • How Something Shaped Your Values and Beliefs: Personal Essay

    In this essay, I will explain the role played by norms and values within Parsons’ theory of the cultural system, universalism, and polity subsystem. Furthermore, I will use Scott’s ‘Talcott Parsons: Where it All Began’, Ellis’ ‘The Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Critical Appraisal of the Normative Solution’, Parsons’ ‘Pattern Variables Revisited: A Response to…

  • My Personal Values and Beliefs Essay

    Philosophy comes from two Greek words, Philo, which suggests the means ‘love,’ and sophy, which implies ‘wisdom.’ Therefore, philosophy means ‘love of wisdom’ (Mark, 2016). Every individual features a different outlook on life, values, learning, and past experiences that reinforce their beliefs and enlighten them. Some argue that beliefs don’t directly influence teaching. I strongly…