Category: Personal Beliefs

  • Informative Essay about the Importance of Voting

    I turned 18 on the 15th of March 2019. The thought of turning 18 had me over the moon with excitement. The amount of responsibility that came with it, but also the number of benefits of turning 18 was beyond amazing. The fact that I could now drive, the fact that I now had a…

  • Qualities of a Successful Person: Informative Essay

    There are many successful people in this world today; famous names are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and many more. Despite the fact that a successful person has many qualities, in my opinion, the most important qualities are self-relevance, passion, willpower, patience, self-confidence, good communication skills, honesty, and last but not least, connection. The…

  • Critical Essay on the Importance of Being Open-Minded

    Personal values are determined by things I believe are important to me and reflect my character. An important value that I carry with me on a day-to-day basis would be open-mindedness. Due to my personal belief in a particular religion, it is very easy to judge people who disagree with you. It takes a personal…

  • Narrative Essay on the Meaning of Prayer for Me

    According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary, prayer is an address, such as a petition, to God or a god in word or thought, but I believe prayer has a deeper meaning. Prayer is us lifting our minds and heart to God spiritually. Every day I was so used to the normalcy of getting up every day and…

  • Essay about Values of Human Life

    In this work, I will analyze what gives value to life. Of course, we can approach the question from different conceptions of life, such as from a personal, social, religious, or even ethical point of view. We should begin speaking about the value of life itself; this concept is almost always intimately related to the…

  • Informative Essay on Human Dignity

    Human dignity is the belief that each individual holds a special worth thats tied exclusively to their humanity. It’s nothing to try and do with their category, race, gender, religion, abilities, or the other issue apart from them being human. The conception of human dignity isnt restricted to human rights. In fact, for hundreds of…

  • My View of the Law of Attraction: Narrative Essay

    Want something? Just ask the universe. I strongly believe that you can have control of your reality and the outcome of your life situations just with your conscious and unconscious thoughts. My belief stems from several reasons, which are because psychologists and scientists support the use of affirmations, manifestation believers were found in historical roots,…

  • What Does Character Mean to You: Opinion Essay

    The character infers mental and social character that an individual gains by the inherited natural blessing which gives him the premise for the advancement and social development of the climate inside which he springs forward. Character is the result of social association in a bunch of life. In the public eye, each individual has various…

  • What Does Culture Mean to You: Opinion Essay

    Our first assignment was to produce a piece of writing on the meaning of culture. My initial reaction to the assignment was confusion, because of the limited definition of culture that I had. From my perspective, culture ultimately reflected an individuals race. Ever so often I get an orchestrated question referring to my ethnicity or…

  • What Does Self Expression Mean to You: Opinion Essay

    Individuals convey emotions through dance and this was seen by the crowd, as it is certain that people can perceive emotions when messages are communicated through a moving body. Also, dancing is one of the most freeing and open approaches to communicating emotions, as body movements are simply the main factor here in communicating. For…