Category: Performance

  • Self-assessment And Professional Performance

    The beginning of the 21st century appears to be ushering in a new era of human life with a number of very significant inexorable changes. The ever changing and developing technologies have changed the all round expectations of the people as a whole along with the library users. Users are not satisfied with traditional library…

  • The Role of Regulations During the Progressive Era in Boosting Overall Economic Performance

    Regulations during the Progressive Era played a key role in helping the general economic performance. The Progressive Movement is associated with the way assessments concerning challenges facing the people were resolved. Government involvement was necessary for the reforms. During the Progressive era (about 1880 to 1930s), the ideology of justice begun taking hold. Members of…

  • Reflective Essay on Personal Performance

    I have engaged with concepts, principles, and strategies about tactical awareness and its use within the sport of netball. Throughout this task, my motor learning goal is for the ability to change from one stable state of movement to another when performing the specialized movement sequences of a wing attack. In order to achieve this…

  • Operating and Commercial Performance of Ryanair Airline: Analytical Essay

    Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate the operating and commercial performance of Ryanair Airlines. This paper begins by briefly looking at the operational characteristics of the company, will follow with the marketing and competitive situation followed by the financial performance and It will conclude with the environmental policy of the airlines. Ryanair,…

  • Impact of Total Quality Management on Firm Performance of SMEs in Amhara Region: Analytical Essay

    I Introduction 1.1 Background of the study In Ethiopia, in particular, in Amahara Regional State, textile and garment industries are the most potential areas for further development and job opportunities. Because of the large agricultural land for the production of cotton as the raw material source, Amhara Regional State should take advantages for further processing…

  • Information System Capabilities and Firm Performance

    The worlds dependence on technologies influences the growth of information systems. Notably, the combination of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people develop and use to gather, analyze, produce, and disseminate relevant information is defined as an information system. Companies and organizations utilize information systems to monitor resources and enhance performance. An organizations collective information…

  • Training, Stress and Performance: Study Findings

    Table of Contents Hypotheses Variables Descriptive Statistics ANOVA Statistics Conclusion References People often need to work and interact in stressful environments, and it is necessary to investigate whether techniques for decreasing stress levels can help people resolve complex tasks under pressure. The research involving participants with different life stress levels is designed to determine whether…

  • Machine Learning: A Catalyst for Enhanced Decision-Making and Business Performance

    The fast development of technologies and their integration into the various aspects of human activity is one of the most important features of the modern age. The emergence and development of the Internet, along with the spread of mobile devices, and the increased reliability of cloud services, contributed to the increased importance of data exchange…

  • Performance Impact of Business Group Affiliation

    Introduction, purpose, and significance of the study Singh, Nejadmalayeri & Mathur (2006) conducted a study titled Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy. The main purpose of the research is to explore the performance of large and diversified Indian firms as revealed by asset and equity…

  • A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

    Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their company wants them to be.…