Category: People

  • Self Concept through Prism of Socialization

    The question that arose from our discussion concerns whether the concept of self is formed through the interaction with others or if it is solely based on the individual. As we go through life, nothing stays consistent, we come across new situations, we develop and we progress. We learn about other people’s perspective regarding us…

  • The Aspects Of Redefining Success

    Everyone wants to be successful by nature. But what is success? Merriam-Webster defines success as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame Success can be found individually, in groups, in neighborhoods, and as a country. If you truly measure success, monetary wealth may not be the first thing you measure. Measuring possessions…

  • Society Degradation  From George Grosz To Leon Golub

    Introduction Society degradation it means lack of compassion, immorality, unethically, loss of self-respect and to others. Through the prism XX  XXI century of New Objectivity movement, historical – world wars, mass media, propaganda, bad education, lack of reading, consumption as well as hypocrisy. In the countries of Central and Southern Europe, the decline in…

  • The Significance Of Self-Reliance in The Modern World

    In this world, where every other person is tech-savy, people tend to blindly trust their mobile ‘robots’ for almost every information they are required to have. Assuming that reliance on people has been diminished, implying to the fact, that now, they are ‘self reliant’. This is a complete myth. Self reliance includes the use and…

  • Class System In Drama Normal People

    Nowadays any attempt to consider social group identity means that social class cannot be avoided for long (Weltman, 2008). Indeed, class is one of the few concepts that we are able to recognise, understand and employ in every context (Biressi et al, 2013). Social class refers to divisions in society that are ultimately based on…

  • Will The Society And Friendship Exist Among Robots With Artificial Intelligence?

    Margaret Thatcher claimed that there is no such thing as society; there are individual men and women, and their families. However, I disagree with this statement; our society is founded upon friendships- the binding agent for individuals worldwide. Our friendships are in a constant cycle of formation, maintenance and reparation. Although, below the surface, what…

  • Indigenous People And Civilization

    Indig5n>uU @5>@l5 U55 no separation between humans and th5 n0tur0l world. For them, Aultur5 0nd n0tur5 0r5 th5 U0m5. W5Ut5rn Aiviliz0ti>n, >n th5 >th5r h0nd, iU d55@lC rooted in th5 n>ti>n th0t hum0nU A>ntr>l th5 >rd5r of th5 w>rld and th0t wild, unt0m5d areas need t> be conquered >r @r5U5rv5d, in 0AA>rd0nA5 with the vi5wU…

  • San People: Evolution And Nowadays

    THE SLOWLY VANISHING FIRST PEOPLE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Sonqua, Bushmen, Saake& They have been called by various names by many African tribes and European settlers, who had difficulties in identifying them and their culture. Having inhabited Southern Africa for more than 20 000 years, the San people are the oldest residents of Southern Africa. Their…

  • Society, Culture, Social Change And Religious Movement Theories

    Religion impedes progressive social change in modern Australia. Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber sociological theories have a difference of opinion in the substantive area of religion, social inequality and social change. Contemporary religious movements in Australia have organised social groups such as The Right To Life group, which have strong conservative approaches. Contemporary…

  • The Ways People Support IOE

    Firstly, one of the pillars of IOE is people in which keeps all 4 pillars together. People essentially keep the IOE going due to individuals unique innovation’s but without people, IOE is inevitably useless as people are the ones who engage with the devices and systems such as students or members of society as over…