Category: Patient Safety

  • Medical Errors Minimization for Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Statement Purpose and Research Questions Literature Review Conceptual and Theoretical Framework Reference Introduction The selected peer-reviewed article is the qualitative research study devoted to the investigation of patient safety and methods aimed to minimize medical error. Patient safety by T. B. Welzel was published in the professional journal, Continual Medical…

  • Documentation, Emr, and Patient Safety

    Three major elements of the electronic medical record (EMR) include patient call log, prescription management system, and patient management (Kelley, 2016). The patient management component is important in patient registration, transfer, admission, and discharge from a hospital. It affects safety measures if improperly conducted or used to generate information that lacks integrity. Correct documentation prevents…

  • Patient Safety Standards and Medication Errors Policy

    Over the last decades, quality and safety within healthcare delivery have risen to become major concerns in health policy and research. Medical errors remain the primary cause of injuries, and the relations between nurse staffing and quality outcomes have been highlighted by several studies (World Health Organization, 2016; Waring et al., 2016). Since the 1990s,…

  • Patient Safety and Nurse Working Conditions

    The report by Committee on the Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety (2004) that is now called the Health and Medicine Division proposes the importance of nurse working conditions as a premise for patient safety. Based on a series of national surveys, the report identifies specific guidelines for enhancing patient safety by focusing on…

  • Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety

    TeamSTEPPS strategies and tools are designed to enhance team performance and patients safety across the healthcare system. Some elements of the TeamSTEPPS are used on a daily basis, like brief and debrief meetings, mutual support with the task assistance, and providing feedback to team members to improve team performance. The other useful TeamSTEPPS tools that…

  • Medication Administration Errors and Patient Safety Risks

    Table of Contents Introduction Safety when taking medications Conclusion References Introduction The importance of studying medication administration errors (MAE) has been highlighted by many researchers, as it is recognized that such errors occur across countries and types of medical facilities bringing considerable risks to the safety of patients (Hughes & Blegen, 2008). Much academic effort…

  • Clinical Decision Support System for Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Change Proposal Impact Measurement Communication Strategy Change Resistance References Change Proposal Patient safety is the key priority of all health care professionals since no mistakes are allowed in this area. Regardless of the level of technological support of the unit, safety policies require ongoing improvement as they must respond to the ever-changing…

  • Nurse Staffing and Patient Care Quality and Safety

    Introduction Patient care quality and safety are the primary concerns of the health care system that are influenced by many factors. These factors include professionalism and competence of healthcare providers, availability of care, patients condition and treatment compliance, equipment and funding of a healthcare facility, etc. One of these factors that directly influence the delivery…

  • The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety

    Table of Contents Introduction Understaffing as a Threat to Patient-Centered Care Teamwork and Interdisciplinary Communication Effective Communication and Collaboration Strategies Quality Initiatives for the Improvement of Health Outcomes Conclusion References Introduction As it is stated on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) website, nurses play a vital role in improving the safety and…

  • Championing Quality and Patient Safety

    The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership expertise in the transformation of…